Last year my blog was nominated for Best Coaching Blog of 2009 at the School of Coaching Mastery. My son, computer security consultant for the “big guys” pointed out at last 3 ways people were cheating there. I pulled myself out of the contest when I saw the shenanigans. Shame on those people.
This year I am assured things are working securely. Until I hear otherwise about the contest’s integrity, here’s are some ways you can help introverts be known for the intelligent, thoughtful and good-friend people we are because — 2010 is your year.
Introvert-itude©: Being secure in who you are, self-confidence, can come as easily to introverts as extroverts.
- 1. Would you go to Hopefully, you’ll see my blog still at the top, Business Sales Coach for Introverts and Shy – Business and Life Tips for Introverts and Shy, by Patricia Weber. Would you give it a THUMBS UP?
2. If you are a follower of my blog or know me personally, would you leave a positive comment in the comments section? Those count for extra points. The comments round runs through June 7th.
Next is the competition round from June 8th to June 14th. This is the chance for a blog to make it into the semi-finals.
3. Do you have a blog? Because if you have interest, we could collaborate on a mutual blog post or interview. Can you leave me a comment below if this is the way you want to go?
Once the semi-finals starts, popular voting will be just for fun.
Okay; it’s just a contest. JUST a contest. But what if, just what if, we as introverts can raise our heads high as we raise our profile – we can make 2010 our year.
Won’t you help?
As an introvert, I have often felt misunderstood. I relate to the tips and training that Pat shares and appreciate being able to reach out to her when I have questions about developing my strengths in social networking and marketing. Thank you Pat, I love your blog!
I added my comments over there.
I asked if I could get insurance if the nearby volcano erupted . They assured me I would be covered. #pun
Thank you Diana and Jim. Your vote and comments helped me achieve being in the Top Ten coaching blogs.