New blog post roundup format starting this week:
There are personal notes before the blog post title about what caught my attention with this particular post, lead in content to give you the overall direction of the selected post and then the link to some of my favorite blog posts.
Enjoy the round-up this week.
5 Top Weekly Blog posts, week 13, from #Introvert Inspirer
My note – Being far from a mild-mannered kind of introvert, one of my cars is red, fast and eye-catching enough that people want us to stop so they can take pictures. So following this photo of me and my husband Marty is a post about introverts and cars caught my attention:
The 2015 Audi S5 Cabriolet: Introverts unite
We all know one. That quiet unassuming person who keeps mainly to themselves. A person who stands alone in the corner in a crowded room, occasionally nods, smiles and waves. They were the student who didn’t speak until spoken to; the good child who was seen but not heard. These quiet kids grew up to be quiet adults, the ones who take jobs that leave them out of the public eye; accountants, computer programmers, and the like. They remain on an even keel, steer the steady course, and would never be seen on the stage at a karaoke bar.
These quiet unassuming people would never drive flashy cars; no yellow Vettes screaming down the highway, or bright red Ferraris cruising Miami Beach on a Saturday night. For these folks, there is a German car manufacturer that seems to have just what they want. No, not the Mercedes in all its smugness, or the BMW in all its showy glory; no we refer to the Audi. Sure, the line has its flashy models; the RS, TT, but yet even these can be said to have little in the way of anything approaching any sort of flamboyance.
And so it goes with this week’s subject, the 2015 S5, the cabriolet version.
Midway between blogging and introverts
My note – It’s my contention that many authors are more introverted than extroverted however we cannot make such a sweeping generalization. The interest for me in this article is like a game: see how many points I can rack up with a “yes” so I can say, indeed I have a writer’s personality.

Do You Have A Writer’s Personality?
Some themes that seem to run in writer’s lives are, in varying degrees; introversion, shyness, a tendency toward solitude, a studious nature, a strong goal orientation, ability to empathize, an intuitive thought process, perseverance, extreme high productivity, and (in a relatively new category), they might be considered “highly sensitive people.”
Introversion, shyness and the “highly sensitive people” moniker involve three separate, distinctly different sets of attributes.
Do you fit the description?
Blogging and Social Media
My note – Getting shares is somewhat mystifying isn’t it? When we get more we want more. Anything to make it easier and more effective is worth reading about and considering.
Ultimate Guide To Writing a Blog Post People Will Definitely Share
Does it seem as though there’s a secret formula for getting blog posts shared that you don’t know about? Building the blog itself was pretty easy, but… where’s all the traffic?
Let’s see if we can learn the techniques of pros Neil Patel at Quicksprout, Rand Fishkin of Moz and Zane Kitschke at Canvo to leverage social media for maximum benefit.
My note – It’s the universe talking to me baby! Over the most recent holiday weekend, a few of my most admired blogging friends posted something from their archives. As soon as my interest was peaked along came this post! With a downloadable report to figure out a personal strategy.

The Blogging Tactic No One Is Talking About: Optimizing the Past
Nine months ago, I analyzed a report that would transform not only my role on the HubSpot blogging team, but also the whole blog’s editorial strategy. The results have been nothing short of eye-opening. And I’m not just talking about the findings from the report — I’m also talking about the business results we’ve generated from the shift we made in our blogging strategybecause of those findings.
That shift is an ongoing internal project we call “historical optimization.” The goal? Update old blog content and generate more traffic and leads from it in the process.
Great for us, right? Hang on — it’s great for you, too. I’m writing about all this because any experienced blogger who’s tasked with growing and scaling the results they generate from their blog needs to know about it. The thing is, no one is really talking about it … yet.
Hi Patricia, love that picture of you and Marty! Wowzer that certainly doesn’t look like the car you’d expect and introvert to drive. Sweet! I bet you do get stopped all the time, just hopefully not for traffic tickets. 🙂
Susan, it was my husband’s love of cars that got us into the hobby. So I’m kind of driving it by default that way! And if I am not either driving or riding in it, I just – sit in it, just to feel, smell it and hear the engine, more like an introverted kind of behavior.
Well, of course the post at the very top is the one that caught my eye! That’s one hot set of wheels you have there, Patricia! I believe there are many car enthusiasts who are introverts because, as you point out, you’re cocooned inside the vehicle. So there’s a degree of separation between your interactions with other drivers. Even when you’re driving something as eye-catching as a Ferrari (ahem) you can still retreat when you’ve had enough!
What a great phrase for what I was expressing in why an introvert like me loves – red, fast, hot cars – “you’re cocooned inside the vehicle.” Thanks Krystyna.