As it gets closer to the holiday season, introverts can prepare for the blurring of work and personal life. Party events are going to be more on the calendar; oh joy! Now is the time to begin your strategizing. That first invitation may have already started for you like it has for me! Here are the top actions that work for me.
1. Befriend the host. If you know the host, offer to help as likely you will notice needs through the evening. It might be rearranging a table of hors d’oeuvres or helping to welcome guests. You can find something or ask how you can help. Caution: you may inadvertently gain attention from others who want this closeness to the host. Proceed anyway.
2. Plan your entrance and exit. Arrive early so if you decide to you can leave early. By the time the party is in full gear, the extroverting is in overdrive. Whenever I leave early, it might only be a close friend who notices the exit and it’s a non-event.
3. Attend with someone. Being married is an advantage I love! Even though he’s an extrovert, we set up our agreement of time frames before we leave home, including how he’ll get home if it’s just too much fun for him. But since we also enjoy each others conversation, it keeps me from getting anxious until another friend arrives.
4. Take advantage of listening. You know people love to talk about themselves! Be yourself and use this strength. If the conversation starts breaking down, turning into small talk, then do what will recharge you and – take a break.
5. Scout out quiet places. The favorite break place for an introvert can either be the restroom, garage where usually the beer is or just a quick break outdoors. No reason needs be given to take refuge there to recharge. A simple statement like, “I’ll be right back,” usually suffices.
Introverts have the paradox of being with people to satisfy that holiday spirit and at the same time, preserve their own spirit. The important action is to think about, decide and then plan what to do so you preserve your energy.
What good articles on how an introvert can better manage parties do you find has helpful tips? Can you comment?
What tips do you have to manage the holiday party scene?
Pat, as always, I read your thoughts about being an introvert in this situation and that, and I find myself thinking, that happens to me too. And I’m a flaming extrovert. Sometimes I need to recharge or get engaged in an activity so I don’t stand around the food and nibble until I get engaged in a meaningful conversation. Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and experience.
The Energizer Bonnie
Hi Pat,
The tips you gave are right on. I am guite the introvert and even suffer from social anxiety.
Too many times I send my husband off alone to the party and then I feel bad about it.
When I do manage to go with him I practice some of your techniques. And from your article have picked up another tip to use.
Thank you.
Bonnie – standing around the food TO get engaged in a conversation would be a wonderful tip for an introvert! Love that you put the extrovert light on these situations.
Cecilia – being prepared as an introvert is MORE than half of it; fortunately planning is one of our strengths! Now with one more tip your husband and you can enjoy things more! Thanks for your comment.