Sometimes I get so overwhelmed. Are you an introvert who feels the same way? Or maybe you’re an extrovert and find the same thing happens. Since I exercise regularly, 3 to 5 days a way and in different ways, I’d like to offer what benefits I find go with just the simple exercise of walking. Oh one thing; I am an interval walker but regardless, there are some definite nuturing benefits for introverts in walking beyond general health benefits.
We’re contemplative enough. If we’re always in our heads, just the physicality of getting out to walk can invigorate us. In the sunlight, whether it’s warmer or cooler, those mental cob webs from all that thinking seem to open up and fall away. It makes space for newer, freer, and clearer thinking. For me, this is the time I collect article and blog writing ideas. [Hint: take a small recorder with you to catch new ideas!]
It’s acceptable to walk alone. My walking time is usually in the late morning. I notice many people walking what ever my scheduling. What is reassuring to me, is the groups of people I see in the earlier part of the day are equally balanced with individuals walking throughout the day. Now granted, I may be blessed as an entrepreneur working solo, to have such flexibility. But just notice where you live, when do people seem to walk in groups versus walk alone? It’s just more energizing on my own as I know it is for you if you are an introvert. But if you are an extrovert, then “♪♬ you’ll never walk alone ♫ ♪,” as the song goes. That means, go ahead and invite a friend or two to walk with you.
Even interval walking increases mental focus. Interval walking is alternating a slower pace of walking with a shorter duration but faster pace like a slow jog. Not only is in invigorating for the heart – boy it gets it pumping – but it improves the mental focus. Since as introverts we are already highly focused, this just fine tunes it.
It allows time for reflective meditation. As far as I understand, reflective meditation is a purposeful contemplative practice. You select a question or a situation to reflect on and think about. When you are walking alone, it’s just you. Just you. A perfect time to take that question or situation and have that “Aha!” moment. Just about three years ago, after struggling for the better part of my corporate trainer career to find a niche, I had just such a walking moment. As a coach I knew I wanted a niche and it came to me during a walk: business coach for introverts.
Major health benefits. Regardless of your introvert or extrovert preference, the health benefits apply to all of us. You can lose weight more easily. You increase your bone density with this natural weight-bearing exercise. The natural vitamin D supply, linked to many health ailments when deficient, is plentiful. Serotonin levels, often called the sunshine for the mind as it improves mood, are naturally increased.
Walking just 30 to 40 minutes can really nurture our introvert side. How else do you think it can benefit our preference? I’d love to hear from you.
Pat, you have inspired me to get out and walk more regularly! I love to go for a walk before breakfast.But I find that I don’t keep up the practice in the winter months here in New England. I find if it is the first thing on my to-do list, I have a better shot at getting my walk in. I find as you do, that it provides me with a great opportunity to focus and reflect. When life or work throws a challenge my way, my walks allow me to focus on the awesomeness of the nature around me and lifts my spirits!
Oh I know what you mean about winter! That’s one reason we built the house we are in now with a separate exercise room – little excuse! Let me know how it goes for you Sharon.
Yep, I have enjoyed walking as long as I have been an INTJ.
Opening a new funeral parlor can be quite an undertaking. #pun