You’re an introvert? Then you are in the right place. Business tips for introverts ranging from presentation skills to networking to sales follow-up. Through July 1st there is a Best Coaching Blogs Contest. If you’ve been following me, I’m putting on my introvert-itude© and asking, would you give me one thumbs up there? And, if you have found value in my blog, even referred it to others even, then COMMENTS count for more weight.
Come on – ♪♪♬♫ “Let’s give ’em something to talk about!” I mean, what IF an introvert won a contest of any sort? Le’s get started with some introvert attitudes which I call, Introvert-itudes © :
When I was in Seattle visiting with my son and his family I noticed that at a very young age, my granddaughter is five, for whatever reason we take on an extrovert attitude. My best guess is it has something to do with how with think of playing. I love my granddaughter for many reasons, top most being that she lets me think back to a life of just playing.
When playing games of any kind with others, the energy flows outward. And when a grandma plays with her 5-year-old grandchild, the outward energy can go – all day long! I was caring for her for 24 hours while my son and daughter-in-law took a wonderfully deserved bed and breakfast break. On their return, they took her for a scooter walk to the lake. Still not deterred when they got back, “Let’s play grandma!” came from her mouth. My daughter-in-law piped in with her mom wisdom, “Everyone needs some quiet time Ruby, so let’s all find a place to get quiet by ourselves and rest.” Coming from an extrovert I was totally surprised; but coming from a mom of 5 with another baby on the way, that is one wise woman!
Introvert-itude © : An introvert usually prefers reflection to activity with others.
It’s really a matter of balance. It’s not that as introverts we don’t like activity, it’s a matter of the amount. For example, think of networking. Do you think you could network for 24 hours straight, only stopping to eat a light meal or two?
If you are an extreme extrovert, my mind reading says you might be jumping up and down in anticipation of such an event.
If you are an extreme introvert, my crystal ball says you don’t find any solid reason for networking.
But in between, most of us, introvert or extrovert, would likely admit we like that balance.
I will say, I do like playing! What do you think? What’s your preference?
Pat has enlightened me to a new understanding of the introvert/extrovert ways. Her approach is far more revealing about human nature than I had previously recognized. In fact I was pretty confident that I am a true extrovert but I now recognize a hearty balance of both. Thanks Pat for opening my eyes and providing us a fresh perspective.