Just recently I joined joined Pinterest. With a nifty tool bar “Pin It” button, it is easy to add any kind of images, within copyright rules, for others on Pinterest to enjoy as well. What is curious to me is how surprised I am when people LIKE or REPIN things I would have never suspected to be so.
How to Care for Introverts (link takes you the old and the new side by side) has gone from an old newspaper column-like cut out to a new colorful poster. Same wisdom, totally different look.
Even though the original idea itself dates back to a wildly popular, almost cult-like, 2003 journal article, the wisdom has taken on new life: same ideas almost a decade later still apply for introverts.
What have you found on Pinterest to be of interest? An image? The way it works? Any tips for those of us just getting started?
Hi! I was very excited to see my poster on your site! I was wondering if you would please link back to the original source at my Tumblr – http://questionablylate.tumblr.com/post/17227500725/my-design-but-not-my-list-how-to-care-for
Thank you very much!
I think YOU just did that Becky! I found it first on Pinterest so maybe you want to go there too and acknowledge your authorship?
I suppose I did! *chuckle* I actually have it on my Pinterest too, but you know how it goes – as something begins to make the rounds, the original source eventually gets lost in the shuffle. Thank you for posting it though, and I’m so glad I could bring new life to an old list!
The only tip I would make about Pinterest would be to make sure credit goes to the original source. Aside from that you just want to use nice images if you are going to promote your site/business with images posted on Pinterest. I have not been using it that long but boy have I learned a lot! 🙂
That’s sometimes easier said than done isn’t it Cheryl!
For this “poster” I found several pinners and still it didn’t go back to Becky. But Becky found me so it all worked out! She did identify herself as the original source.
You are right of course; it’s just not always right there.
Cheryl – the biggest problem with Pinterest is that even if I pin my own work with a link that goes back to the original, anyone can copy that image and host it elsewhere and pin from there… which is what happened here. I never expected this poster to garner so much attention so I didn’t watermark the original – it was just a fun thing I did to share with my friends, not to promote anything. Dumb move on my part, but not much I can do about it now!