Besides online social networking reaching puberty this year, being an introvert and okay with who you are reached adulthood. The evidence of this? The books, ebooks and blogs on some aspect of the introvert that showed up just this year is wonderfully – numerous. Here’s a list I’ve collected this year for you to consider:
1. Adam McHugh, Introverts in the Church, I did a thorough book review of it. Most of the book encourages the introvert to use their unique personality and gifts in any area of the church community. His first hand experiences; the detailed analysis of the introvert personality and his personal understandings honor and respect introverts everywhere.
2. Joanne Julius Hunold, blogs about Overwhelming Success for Solopreneurs, Wisdom and inspiration for the overwhelmed, frazzled-but-determined solo-entrepreneur (who just happens to be introverted).
3. Doris Helge, Ph.D., and I collaborated on two separate ebooks. Hers is Joy on the Job for Introverts & Shy People. She offers an accompanying free report, 11 Habits of Highly Confident Introverts & Previously Shy People!
4. R.L. LaFevers and Mary Hershey otherwise known as The Shrinking Violets, blog at with a focus on marketing tips and survival strategies for introverts.
5. Wendy Gelberg, The Successful Introvert: How to Enhance Your Job Search and Advance Your Career. That about sums this one up.
6. Nancy Ancowitz, Author of Self-Promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide to Getting Ahead. Nancy Ancowitz is also an introvert and a business communication coach. Even though you can find an excerpt of her book, she does offer an amusing video.
7. Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D., The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength. If you are thinking that because you are an introvert that you can’t be a leader, this one will change your mind forever.
8. Lee Ann Lambert, Living Introverted: Learning To Embrace The Quiet Life Without Guilt. This is a quick read, covers a broad amount of topics like the introvert at work, at home, as children, in marketing.
9. Christie has a blog at The Introvert Zone. I’m not sure why we don’t know her last name, unless it’s an extreme introversion part of her at work. The posts are always thoughtful and informative.
10. And the one I can tell you the most about is by Patricia Weber, yep that’s me, Debunking Negative Introvert Myths: Bringing Your Strengths to the Party! It’s a 92 page ebook, comes with lots of bonuses (who doesn’t like something else with their purchase and will help you let go of the introvert misconceptions by being just who you are. You can claim a 32 page excerpt of it now.
If you are still hiding from your introversion, make 2010 the year that you change that. The world, I do mean the world, needs our thoughtful contemplative style and quietly effective manner, now.
Do you know of other books, ebooks or blogs for introverts that might be on the list this year? Not ones of past years, but ones of 2009?
Another book introducing introversion in a conversational style, short and to the point, is “Celebrating Introversion: Unwrapping Your True Presence.” It was released by Tate Publishing in October 2009 and available for purchase online through Tate Publishing,,, Barnes&
And you must be the author Tonia! No need to hide the fact at all. That’s not your introversion is it? 【ツ】Thanks so much – that is one book that I somehow missed this year.