When this guest blog post came along I thought it was a fit for us introverts, and heck during this time of the year, extroverts too.
Let’s go into the New Year with more energy to take on any challenges or interests we have.
As you read through Mat’s tips, what can you do that you don’t do already? Or do you have something to add to the list of five smart relaxation tips for busy entrepreneurs?
Most entrepreneurs start a business because it is their passion and something they love to do. While it is an accepted fact that entrepreneurs have to work a lot of hours to gain success, it has also been proven that it is healthy to take a break once in a while. The most successful entrepreneurs have learned these important tips to help them relax and stay focused on the job at hand.
Schedule Breaks
Most busy entrepreneurs cannot function without their daily schedule and most follow their schedule to the letter. If you schedule a break from noon to 1:00PM each day and do not schedule anything else for that time, then you have nothing to do but take a break. Sometimes busy entrepreneurs have to outsmart themselves just to make sure that they take a break every day.
Get Some Rest
There is nothing healthy or enduring about an entrepreneur who works so hard that he does not get rest every night. It is true that running a business is hard work, but it becomes harder work when you do not get some sleep every night. Anyone who has worked hard and given up sleep has had that anxious and unstable feeling that comes with not sleeping. It is impossible to relax during stressful situations when you feel that way. If you allow yourself the opportunity to get some rest every night, then you are better equipped to handle the day ahead.
Make Others Laugh
Hard working entrepreneurs tend to be focused and serious people. But if you force yourself to make at least one person laugh each day, then you will find that to be a great stress reliever. Try calling up a family member and telling them a joke to get them to laugh. There may be something silly you can do to get one of your employees to laugh that can help you to relax and break the tension that each business day causes.
Get An Office With A Door
Sometimes you just need time to yourself to help you relax. Relaxing does not always mean that you stop working. It can often be relaxing just to close your office door and do things without distractions. If you let your phone calls go to voice mail and avoid getting interrupted for long periods of time, then you can start to accomplish your goals. In some cases, a feeling of accomplishment brings a feeling of peace that can be very relaxing.
Maximize Your Time Alone
If you enjoy a particular kind of music, then make sure you have it with you in your car so you can listen to it on the drive in to the office. At various points throughout the day, a busy entrepreneur will find himself alone and without anyone else to disturb him. Whether it is for five minutes or an hour, you need to find ways of enjoying your time alone to help you relax. If you enjoy the smell of essential oils while you work, then use a candle diffuser when you are in your office alone to help you relax.
About the author:
Mat Good. Mat is one of the founders of Good Relaxation – an online magazine devoted to help out stressed and unhappy people.
Yep, all good point and great advice. My biggest challenge is #1 followed by #5. I plan on working on that in 2013. :)))
Susan, sounds like you have the foundation for some new intentions for 2013! Thanks.
Keyuri, #5 is so important for those of us more introverted. The operative word is to MAXIMIZE that alone time. Thanks.
I agree. All good points. #1 is the most difficult for me followed by #5. I guess these are something to work toward in 2013.
Sage points! #5… a little alone time, or down time as I refer to it is the best relaxation. Even 5 minutes to play an online puzzle or meditate quietly does the trick. And who doesn’t feel good from laughter. It is the best medicine!
Sound well founded advice here. Most of us get glued to the screen all day and do not schedule our breaks effectively. We need to have down time as well. Work in focused time blocks. Be efficient with your time and have time for YOU.
Seems we were had the same idea Pat:-)
Sound advice and a good time to publish it.
Good point Martin! Just because we get zoned out in front of our computer does NOT constitute a break! Thanks.
Catarina I bet we are all looking for relaxing! Thanks.
My favorite is Getting Rest! This is very important and I can definitely vouche for this one. I’ve noticed whenever I don’t get rest the night before then I’m very grumpy, don’t feel like doing anything & don’t want to be bothered.
Plus it’s hard for me to focus whenever I’m feeling like this to.
Another think I’d like to add that’s important is Eating Healthy! This is a big plus because when we don’t eat the right foods then it can make us sleepy, tired & grouchy as well.
Besides eating healthy & snacking on healthy things will help us sleep well at night.
Thanks for the tips Patricia, I always try to make sure that I am doing all of the above!
You’re funny Toshiba! The truth it, getting rest is more like being recharged for me. That CAN be either getting rest or just having some quiet reflective time.