Blog post topic attraction, at least for this introvert, is becoming more difficult to narrow down.
My first test, “to read or not to read” is the title. What you find in this week’s blog post roundup is:
– prioritizing tips for bloggers,
– growing your blog’s reach
– how to work with a team of introverts
– humor for any type personality preference, but women more than men (I think!)
– an editing tool for any author
Here you are:
5 Top Weekly Blog posts, week 15, from #Introvert Inspirer
Blogging and Social Media
How the Hell do I Prioritize Work, Blog & Find Balance?
The premise is that either I have some magical solutions that allow me to produce a lot of content or I’m super human.
My note: the author says he is spilling the beans on his secrets. The bottom line is one word – can you spot it?
5 Ways to Extend Your Blog’s Reach and Grow Your Audience
You may not be a superstar with a giant audience. So how can a person with a relatively small following generate big buzz over a new post? Follow these five tips.
My note: It is a 2×4 hit on the head for me. What about you? Do you act on any of the tips?
Introverts and Extroverts
Help! I’m an Extrovert Managing a Team of Introverts
If you’re an extroverted manager, you might find yourself mystified by your more introverted staff members: They don’t want to do workplace social events, they’d rather not team-build, and they stay in their offices all day. How are you supposed to create a cohesive team when everyone’s acting like a hermit?
The strange reality is that there’s a default in American workplace culture to assume extroversion. But some of the management practices that work beautifully with extroverts can go over like a lead balloon with introverts – which means that you should be particularly thoughtful about how you manage your introverts.
Here are some secrets to winning over the hearts of introverts, even if their style is different from what feels natural to you.
My note: In particular it was encouraging to know that ice-breaking activities get little attention or fanfare.
Men Can Fix Anything
This will appeal to introvert and extrovert alike. If you’re a guy you probably won’t want to fess up, “I’ve done that!” and if you’re a woman, married or not, you’re going to laugh your butt off.
Forced to Self-Edit? This Tool May Be Your New Best Friend
Every writer needs an editor. If you want to be taken seriously as an author, there’s just no way around it. A good editor will strengthen your work and find the errors that you’re too close to see. I’ve spent years editing other authors and still have little chance of catching my own mistakes.
But there are many times when it’s not practical or possible to access an editor, proofreader or second set of eyeballs on short notice. This is especially true for authors who are blogging!
My note: Jacqueline Gum recommended attending the Pubsense 2015 Summit. Totally worth it, and where I learned about this tool. Tested their free version and then upgraded. But, I do not use it for the content in the weekly round-up posts since the intros provided are the bloggers content not mine.
Do you have a favorite blog topic you read weekly? If you do, what is it?
Except for Men Can Fix Anything image, all images from Pixabay
Patricia, this was really interesting but I loved the Men can fix anything Post best. As I’m scrolling through the pictures, I kept saying, “Oh, this is the best” only to find another one just a little ways down that was better. The very best one I think were the wieners on the rake, fixing the building with lego, the flat tire-fix – I might as well stop before I list them all. Super and a great way to start the week.
Lenie I loved that Men Can Fix anything post because as you said, there were no images that didn’t make me laugh!
I liked the post about extending your blog’s reach. It was a little different than the usual how to grow an audience advice. I appreciated the tip about how to choose links and also the sharable graphic quote.
Ken there are so many unique angle posts that come across the few email subscriptions I get that it makes it difficult to select for the weekly blog post for introverts round-up. Delighted to know that you found one useful for right now!
All of these posts are great. Thanks for sharing 5 ways to extend your blog reach. I have been looking for other ways to share my blog and this helped.
Sabrina, my pleasure to help with some different, new or even forgotten ways to share our blogs!
As usual, you pick the best of the best Patricia! Loved the Men can do anything, but also found how to extend your blog reach very interesting! Also related very much to the extroverted manager with introvert employees. Those team building compulsory things can be a nightmare for the intorvert…used to give me the cold sweats!
Jacqueline, since reducing the number of email newsletters I subscribe to I’ve been able to ACTUALLY read some of the darn blog posts. It makes it so much more easier and fun to select for my weekly blog post round up from an introvert perspective. Glad you liked them!
Love the duct tape picture! What is it with men and duct tape? These were all great posts. I also liked the post on extended your blog reach. I don’t search titles as much as subject matter and the source. I do go to curated content sites like Huffington before I hit a specific blog. I’m also a big fan of Stumbleupon.
Pamela your question gives me the giggles, “What is it with men and duct tape?” Now THAT could make for a fun blog post!
Grammarly is a God-send. Best invention in a long time. So helpful. But on to the men can fix anything post. Oh boy, does the one of them in the pool with the electrical cords make anyone else nervous? How stupid and dangerous would that be? Hope that one is not for real.
Susan when I got to that specific picture of the electrical cords strung across the pool, I had to look several times. I was shaking my head saying to myself, “why would someone ‘photoshop’ such a thing? Indeed, let’s hope it IS something like that and not real!
Hi Pat,
Thanks for sharing your top blog picks. There are several of them I will definitely be reading. The one I’ll read first is How the Hell do I Prioritize Work, Blog & Find Balance and the Men Can Fix Anything post has my attention. 🙂
Hope you’re having a great week!
Corina if you can just find some ideas in the prioritizing work, blog and find balance to try out for 30 days, and LIKE to make a habit, it’s a for sure thing balance is around the corner for you!