With the wealth of articles and blog posts, it’s impossible to read everything of interest within the time dedicated to these findings.
But, fortunately, some things on the Internet are still free.
In a coaching ezine I have been receiving for at least five years, something caught my eyes in their notification that their ezine would no longer continue to be free.
Years ago almost everything online was free. Today, commercialization and advertising dominate.
Except for blogs mostly, I’d say this is reality. Likely that could be interesting reading for one or more blog posts.
Here’s what I found of interest this week. And truthfully, not too much of added value in the introvert realm.
5 Top Weekly Blog posts, week 9, from #Introvert Inspirer
Why you need to start link earning now
If you’re still operating link building campaigns, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Here’s why and how.
Link building has been a dying SEO practice for some time. Google Penguin is now three years old, and it’s getting smarter every year at identifying between spammy and genuine links.
If you’re still operating link building campaigns, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Here’s why and how. Outdated practices and what do instead:
Opinion: Corporate blogs are still relevant
Social media generates chatter, but blogging brings business benefits
An influential university’s marketing research department that analyzes the health of corporate blogging each year published two, separate studies recently that seem to sound the death knell for corporate blogging. Read each report, and you could come away with the impression companies are ditching corporate blogs in favour of social media, the apparent darling of 21st-century marketing.
According to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s Centre for Marketing Research, corporate blogging’s popularity fell among both Fortune 500 and Inc. 500 companies in 2014. The Fortune 500 includes the biggest and wealthiest American corporations as compiled by Fortune Magazine while the Inc. 500 relates to the fastest-growing, private American companies as reported by Inc. Magazine.
This data seems to indicate that corporate blogging is on the decline.
That’s just not the case. Corporate blogging is still in high demand, as presidents, chief marketing officers and directors of content are always ramping up their blogging content. Read about what corporate is doing with blogging:
Evergreen Content: How to Choose the Best Blog Topics
When selecting a blog post topic, there are two paths you can take. You can elect to write about trending topics — those that are popular right now, but have a limited lifespan.
Or, you can choose to write about evergreen topics — those that are popular now, and will continue to be useful for months or even years.
As content marketers, it is important that we understand how they differ.
In this post, I will first look at the difference between the two topic types and then show you how to capitalize on evergreen topics.
9 LinkedIn Marketing Tips From the Pros
Would you like to improve your LinkedIn marketing?
Are you wondering what LinkedIn marketing tips the pros like to use?
We asked top social media pros to share their hottest LinkedIn marketing tactics.
In this article, you’ll discover strategies the pros use to boost their LinkedIn marketing.
Top blog posts about Introverts:
5 Things To Know About Dating An Outgoing Introvert, Because “Ambiverts”, Are Downright Confusing
It may sound like an oxymoron, but there is such thing as an “outgoing introvert.” Just like the term itself, the friendly introvert is an embodiment of paradoxes. Sometimes they enjoy being the centre of attention in a large group while other times want to be left the heck alone. Once in a while they love engaging in conversation; sometimes they’d rather just listen quietly. Occasionally they will come home from work fully energized and pep; other times, they’ll retreat to their room and binge-watch Netflix for the rest of the night…With a warning not to even think about disturbing them.