“Pass,” is usually my first reply when the first question or problem is posed in a brainstorming session. As an introvert corporate trainer giving workshops about this process, and using it during them, right from the beginning I would make saying “pass” acceptable for everyone.
Maybe you don’t know? Introverts prefer a little time to think things over. That’s why typical brainstorming – fast-paced and heaving breathing – don’t generally work for us getting our best ideas heard upfront.
But what if you want to get some expertise advice for your next blog post because you’re feeling in writer’s block prison? Now there is a brainstorm tool for the introvert who wants to either get ideas, or contribute to helping someone else, on more introverted terms.
Brainstorming: bane of most introverts but writers block tool for bloggers.
In just starting to use this, maybe some of the more expert and longevity members of MyBlogU: Collaborate to Create Epic Content, will add their valuable comments.
Membership required to brainstorm –
In my experience all members are professional and want to help or want you to help them, with a blog post idea. I waded in, kind of like an introvert swimming pool dip, by providing my answer to a particular blog post idea. Having no attachment to acceptance or not is most helpful.
Post your brainstorm project –
My next was to post a request for an introvert video series I am writing. This garnered six ideas for me, which I elaborated and somehow credited the blogger for, soon to be found on that series.
3. Say yes or no to any idea –
It makes it easy enough to approve or reject an idea sent through this project. Right now I’m waiting on an up or down vote on my answer to “Why you love coffee and which is your favorite brand?” I explained all about it on my answer in the project request. That was fun! I don’t like rejection anymore than most people however I never take it personally.
I’ve said “yes” to the first five ideas I got for my brainstorm project for my recent blog post idea request, around coping with presentation jitters from the introvert perspective. They’re spot on for the introvert. Here’s a peak at what things look like in the Brainstorm project area.
Thank you Tat.
Thank you Phil Turner.
Thank you Don Sturgill.
Thank you David Leonhardt.
Thank you Rhonda White.
Yes; the ideas each of these members graciously suggested, will likely add to my video project too, as well as be another blog post. NOTE: I stated my purpose in each project so people would know how their idea would be used.
Help promote someone’s brainstorm project on social media. MyBlogU makes that easy too! This helps everyone get more exposure.
This new tool affords you:
- boost creativity
- get to connect with more quality bloggers than what you might already have in your network
- gain and give exposure
BONUS idea, for me and maybe for you …
#Infographics can be easier than imagined with the right tools. No need to hesitate.
Have you ever signed up for an online social media tool, soon forgetting about it? I cannot tell you how many times I’ve done this.
With the answers to my brainstorm project request it dawned on me, why not create an infographic? [Tweet “#infographic with key ideas for how introverts can cope with presentation anxiety. Thanks #mbustorm”]
Here’s my first attempt:
Okay, so it’s a little rough. Sure. But at least it was lower hanging fruit than creating a video, and it got done!
You might have interest in checking into MyBlogU as a community without registering for the site membership, which is free. You can get to know some of the members in an easy way, if you have time.
Twice a week they offer the opportunity to learn about the benefits of their website through tweet chats at twchat.com Connect with Ann Smarty on Twitter or follow – #myblogu – and find out more.
How do you feel about brainstorming? And are you more of an extrovert or introvert?
How does this Brainstorm Project look as a blogger tool?
I am an introvert with a capital I. Brainstorming can be beneficial if you are among friends where you feel comfortable doing it. Otherwise it just makes me retreat even further. Big sigh….
For certain I understand this Cheryl. That’s one thing about online communities for collaboration. You get to build friends first, introvert style, and then when you are ready, comfortable, you don’t have to retreat. Thanks!
Thank you, Patricia Weber.
What fun!
It IS fun Don. And a few years ago, my number one value is to have fun in whatever I do. Weird for an introvert? Not really. I have no preconceived idea of what fun looks, sounds or feels like. But I know it when I have it! Thanks for your contribution.
Personally love brainstormings, but then again, sometimes you need to think things through before coming up with a propitious solution. However, starting off with a brainstorming makes it much more likley to find the best way forward because you see the wood for the trees.
Catarina I keep in mind the purpose of brainstorming: quality not quantity. Once you have a quantity the next step is selection and refinement. It’s so true – to BEGIN with brainstorming opens the path to the best ideas. Thanks.
I think brainstorming is a good idea if everyone contributes. Just hearing one person’s opinion really doesn’t do it for me. Everyone brings something to the table. I just don’t like forced situations. Brainstorming with the communities is a great idea because you have gotten a feel of the person.
Community: maybe that is why corporate brainstorming doesn’t always work, or works fine. If a company gives people the feeling of community then people are more likely to contribute. If they favor a department, or people, or types of ideas, it’s a waste of time. Thanks Arleen.
I like the idea of brainstorming because it flushes out all the ideas… Good and bad and gives you a great jumping off point for a project and a lot of valuable team input. Things you may never in a million years have come up with on your own. However I can completely see why an introvert would find a brainstorming session uncomfortable. Your idea sounds like a great one.
Susan I think this kind of brainstorming online is comfortable for the more introverted. No pressure, criticism, no being locked in to one thing.
I do love brainstorming too! And I think Jeannette said, as long as the guidelines are stated upfront and the facilitator does well in their role, all ideas can be heard.
I’ve had great success with facilitating brain storming sessions but I call them creative problem solving because they are more structured. It’s up to the facilitator to bring the introverts into the conversation. We extroverts are likely to dominate the conversation, but if you haven’t heard from someone at the table, then you can gently bring them into the discussion by asking something like, “Pat, would you like to add something to what Mike just said?” Pat can always say, “I’d like to think about it a little more,” if she’s not ready with an answer. But the introvert will feel better, in my view, knowing that the facilitator cares about her ideas.
Yes Jeannette. A degree of success in brainstorming is in the hands of the facilitator. I’ve been in so many of these sessions, and facilitated enough, to know that if the facilitator doesn’t guide the process, the process isn’t guided. The quality suffers.
Pretty cool stuff Patricia. I’ve never heard of these online communities but chances are, introvert that I am, I’d likely not join:) Just kidding. I actually like brainstorming. But it has more to do with my feeling about collaboration. I really think you increase your options for success with more choices. That said, I often come up with a winner AFTER the meeting or later in the day when I’ve chewed on it a while. But I’ve also been lucky in that very often the “after thought” is adopted and proves successful Maybe the initial brainstorming shakes loose the post-it notes that seem to reside in my head. I will check out that community. Sounds interesting and bit bonus…no make-up required:)
Thanks Jacqueline. My guess is many of us have experienced the delayed, “Now I have an idea!” moment. That’s been my experience anyway. This community isn’t that kind of pressure which at least for blogging ideas, I like it. Plus I’m big on giving so I look for other requests I can contribute something valuable to.
I’m an introvert who loves to brainstorm, but it has to be when criteria are understood. I also don’t mind brainstorming because I’ve studied different techniques and I took pains to make students feel comfortable with the process. Plus, I will always volunteer to be the person who writes things down for the group because then I don’t have to be the person who presents for group’s findings 😉
This is terrific Jeri. You’re both an idea giving and a note taking introvert for brainstorming! I love that.
Idea of brainstorming is very good to give to an idea about positive and negative aspects of any project. It will be more productive and successful if you are among the people whom you know better ( my thoughts). But I do not know about these online groups , it is nice that you got very productive and helping feed back from bloggers.
Thank you for a great post.
Yes andleeb. I’ve found that brainstorming can add to either the breadth or depth of our own ideas. That’s why it’s popular as a business tool. I love the MyBlogU tool because it is introvert friendly and worth the try.
Thanks so much for your continuous support of our communities! This looks great! See you at MyBlogU.com 😉
Ann thank you so much. It’s encouraging to know you find the way I used one of my 2 storms which just ended, are putting MyBlogU in a good light. When I see value in tools like this, I tend to be an early adopter so thanks for all you are doing with it.
Interesting idea, using an organized online venue to brainstorm. (Well aware of using venues like Skype chat or something similar). I guess for an introvert it would make sense to do it this way (go at your own pace, emphasis on on-pressure).
As a kind of hybrid-introvert (I forgot the correct terminology which you so graciously advanced on another post), I can jump into the fray, toss out ideas, not feel threatened whether or not they’re accepted, but I’d rather have the question/issue beforehand, think about it, then put forth some ideas.
Is the forum free, Pat?
Vernessa, the forum IS FREE, a decided advantage for some of us. Might as well give it a try right?
You are likely thinking about the word ambivert. No one is either a total introvert or a total extrovert. Most of us are right there ambiverting with you!
Hi Pat
I never realized but I believe I’m an introvert – your sentence “Introverts prefer a little time to think things over” it me all over. And I don’t like to brainstorm – I’ve done it, I’ve contributed, but never enjoyed it. I will be checking with Ann Smarty on Twitter thought to see what that is all about.
Hi Lenie. So there is less confusion and so you may have a better sense of being more introverted or not: introverts find outside stimulation to DRAIN their energy and extroverts find it PUMPS them up. If you find you go to a networking event and love staying longer and longer, more of an extrovert. If you maybe don’t even want to go to the networking event and then feel more exhausted the longer you stay, likely more introverted.
Ann is a wonderfully creative person for certain. She has come back strong after the Google thumbs down on her last valuable to bloggers venture.
An online brainstorming tool is such a cool idea. I think I am initially an introvert in brainstorming sessions. I need time to think things through. But once I have or if it is a topic I am already close to and immersed in, I become more of an extrovert.
Because I am more introverted is what attracted me to this online brainstorm venue Donna. I found that I could be contribute at my own pace (taking sometimes over night to help someone with my idea) and to ask others to contribute.
I’ve always loved brainstorming because it produces so many ideas that I didn’t have before. I guess I must be an extrovert. I sometimes jump in too soon, I suppose.
Beth you could be correct from your self-assessing as more extroverted but don’t let that stop you from this valuable online bloggers tool for getting some juicy ideas.
I was trying to give some added dimension to what Lenie supposed above, that she is more introverted: introverts are drained in the energy with outside stimulation and extroverts are totally pumped with anything and everything around them. If at a networking event or party you are more DRAINED the longer it goes on, likely you’ve got that introvert preference. But if you get more into things as the event goes on, and you find you just don’t want to leave, happy extroverting!
Brainstorming is an excellent technique for generating ideas from team members
about problems and opportunities for improvement. It allows everyone to
participate and is a good method for “breaking the ice. “ I like your article and thoughts too.
Wish you luck for many more!
I’ve never been a big fan of group brainstorming even though I’m in the middle – what’s that called – ambivert. I’ve never really had the privilege to have a great team around either. Maybe it would have been different then. I think it requires some “safety” on environment, you probably know what I mean.
I get it Eve: environment of group brainstorming. That’s why this online version is so appealing regardless of your type preference. Plenty of safety in time, sharing your thoughts, giving and getting ideas when you need them. Thanks.
I am one of those who’s brilliance shines though when the audience has gone home. I must chew on an idea, suck the marrow out of it, reformat it, and then construct it in a way I am comfortable with. I guess I am a bit introverted but not completely. I have been to a few in-person brainstorming sessions and unless I am fully understanding the fundamentals I prefer to bow out.
Aha – and I have to noodle ideas around Tim. That’s one reason I like the online venue in review here. I can take the time I need, usually over night for me, and I can type it out in a word document to then easily copy and paste when ready. Or if it’s already at the top of my awareness, I can CHOOSE to help out right then. Maybe you’d like it if you ever feel you want to help someone with their project or get help for one of your own. Thanks!
I like brainstorming when you’re working with a good group of people who are all ready to throw their ideas out on the table to look at and play around with. The group sounds interesting but I’m not sure I’ll sign up for it. I seem to have enough on-line things and it’s something I prefer to do in person.
You do have to be ready to play for sure! Great Pat. Thanks for taking your time online to read this post and comment! Much appreciated.
Brainstorming in meetings is usually a sick joke. The person in charge often has ideas that he wants to come out of the meeting and guides the storming to that end.
Brainstorming online at MyBlogU.com is totally different – You are sitting in private, in your own space and only the person who has set up the brainstorm gets to see your unformed ideas. You can then work the ideas into shape in private before they are finally used.
Good point Phil about the meeting facilitator often having an agenda which may cause the meeting to be steered a certain way. And for sure, at MyBlogU.com it’s a happy difference! Thanks.
I’m definitely an Introvert – an “extreme” Introvert if any of those personality assessments are to be believed. I made friends with one of our facilitators and drove her to the airport after our session and I remember her saying to me ‘It can’t be easy being you.’ Hum. Anyway, you are correct, I have always hated brainstorm sessions but most of the companies I’ve worked for didn’t consider the exercise optional and my background is in sales so brainstorming was something I had to learn to live with – if not love.
Marquita, my guess is, the facilitator has so many misconceptions about being introverted! I bet you if you asked her, do you ever have to do some research? Maybe you do some gardening? Or enjoy reading? Well guess what lady … those are introvert preferred tendencies. LOL.
Just like those of us more introverted are doing extrovert loved activities, like brainstorming, some extroverts may not realize how much introverting they are doing already! Thanks!