Love Letter Writing Tips for the Introverts reads like a love letter. What warmed my heart the most is knowing, these ideas can be used in both business and personal relationships. Thank you Kimberly.
If you are an introvert, then you are already focused on the workings of your mind. This is not the same thing as being shy or nervous. It does mean that you already have a lot to share with the object of your affection, and taking the time to write a love letter is an excellent way to let that special person know how much he or she means to you. Since you can take your time composing your message, it may also be a more comfortable form of communication for an introvert. Here are some tips to help you get your message across in just the right way:
1. A handwritten note trumps electronic communication every time.
E-mail or texting someone may be more convenient, but love letters should be written in your own hand. They simply won’t carry the same level of intimacy if they don’t. You want to elevate your communication to something apart from what you would send to a friend, coworker or your child’s teacher, after all; this is for the person who is most important in your life. Thi
s is one instance where you really need to put pen to paper.
2. Buy some note paper.
For people who aren’t used to writing, a large expanse of blank paper can look very intimidating. Rather than feel pressured to fill in a standard sized piece of paper with your feelings about your loved one, buy some note paper in a smaller size. If you decide to get really wordy, you can use several sheets, but if your love letter ends up being rather short and to the point, you won’t be left with a big, blank space at the bottom of the paper.
3. Start with a Thank You if you Don’t know What to Say.
Everyone likes to feel appreciated, and if the term “love letter” seems intimidating to you, think of it as a thank you note instead. Start by thinking of one thing you appreciate about your loved one and put it in writing. Depending on your personality and the stage of your relationship, it can be funny, silly, serious, or whatever you like. Write a series of thank you letters if the mood strikes you, and give them to your love at intervals. (Don’t forget to thank them for loving you – that’s a big one.)
3. The Past/Present/Future Love Letter.
Another way to approach writing a love letter is to share what your life was like before you met your special person and how much better life is now. Talk about the things the two of you are currently experiencing together and then move on to your hopes and dreams for your future as a couple. If your relationship is still in its early stages or you haven’t made specific plans for the future, you may want to keep the last part open and say something that alludes to the idea that you are looking forward with excitement to see what wonderful surprises the future may hold.
The idea here is to make the person reading the letter feel loved and appreciated. The last thing you want to do is make someone feel pressured and uncomfortable. On the other hand, if you are in a committed relationship where you have already made or discussed plans, then you can be much more direct when it comes to the latter part of your letter. Each one will be as unique as the person writing it and the relationship it pertains to.
4. Write a Draft First.
It can be hard to write about your feelings, especially if you only think you have one opportunity to get it “right.” Try shutting off your internal editor and just writing down how you feel. You can make changes to your letter before sending it. You may find that the best love letters are raw and full of feeling and if you feel drained and a bit emotional at the end of the process, it’s a sign you wrote from the heart.
5. Practice Makes Love Letter Writing Easier.
The more often you write love letters, the easier you will find the process. Don’t feel pressured to write a letter a day. More than likely, you will need time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings before you will be able to share them. Write when you feel you have something worthwhile to share.
A love letter is a type of gift to a person you care for. We think of them in a romantic manner, but you could write one to a parent, child or anyone else who has touched your life in a significant manner. If you can’t get the words out orally, put it in writing. The recipient will be able to read them often and be reminded of your love and beautiful words.
Kimberly Roslyn is CEO and editor of essay writing service <> website. She specializes in professional academic writing tips and is always passionate about sharing them with her readers.
Does it make a difference whether you use some of these tips in business or personal relationships? What tips are you already doing? What can you do from now on in your letter writing being inspired by this post? Have you ever received a love letter that you saved and keep reading?
I love this. The act of writing a physical letter, be it a love letter or and expression of appreciation, has been lost over the quick and easy. Whenever I receive a letter from someone that expresses something that matters to them (and me) it is, as you said, a gift. I’m keeping this as reminder and for the tips for the next time I want to give someone a gift such as this. Thank you, 🙂
I like paper too! So much so that I don’t use it. Really… However I will splurge on cards for people. 🙂
#1 impacted me the most. There is a great joy in going to the mailbox and finding a card with a handwritten note. It makes my day because it implies a little bit more that someone took the TIME to write to me. For me it equates to baking cookies for someone instead of buying them!
Agree with you. Since I’m European that’s the way I always used to communicate. However, we get lazy and due to the internet. When was the last time I sent a thank you note by mail:-)
Susan I can’t tell you how tiring it is to only get emails. When I go to my mailbox and toss all the junk mail, I’m so delighted when I get to sit down and open a real live letter. I happen to have a high school girlfriend who found me a few years ago and she doesn’t have a computer so I get good old-fashioned hand written letters. Lovely.
Geek Girl, cards are terrific to receive too! Real cards. Paper in the mail cards. Not those email egreetings. Those were a novelty but they just don’t have the same affect. Thanks.
I am lucky that I was the recipient of many love letters from my late husband, Charles. I wrote him a love letter in this post on the first anniversary of his passing “Do People Write Love Letters Anymore?” Here is the link . It’s not sad, but uplifting. I’m happy that you agree love letters — or any kind of personal notes, preferably on paper — are so important and they are a gift to people you care about.