The Go-Giver Five Laws of Stratospheric Success are a message for anyone, introvert and extrovert. While as an introvert some have a greater resonance for me, they all can benefit everyone. As you read about them, and live them, they create an inner sense of pull in you rather that almost dizzying push, push, push. The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann is a quick read but a lifetime of study. Listening to Bob will likely take us into a deeper understanding so let me wrap up this preview with my sense of the fifth law:
The fifth law,
- The Law of Receptivity:
The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.
Many of us can be generous givers. When we are over-generous, to the degree that we also don’t expect to receive, when we give-give-give, and then … “wait I don’t deserve it,” or “gosh, did I give enough,” then of course we either slow our receiving or don’t receive period. In 1996 my husband had open heart surgery. Even though many friends offered to help, called with loving wishes, showed up at my front door to break bread, even offered to drive me to the hospital, my independent and care-giver (there’s that giving) nature was like a remote control flipping through the all Give-It-All-You-Have-to-Give channels. The surgery undeniably was toughest on my husband yet, if you are a caregiver you know the stress, the worry, the fear of such an event make it difficult to put down that giving remote.
Fast forward 11 years for his second open heart surgery. Who knew? Arterial bypass has a 12 to 15 year life efficacy of the procedure and then, there it is, needed again. My healthier husband was braver than I was. Or is that a man thing? Well actually it was more, “Let’s get it over with!” for him. Round one gave me wisdom: be open to receive – in this situation – help. Lots of it. Every call of “What can I do for you?” had some offer to help. Some hot meals people would drop by with, company to ride with on the usual 50 minute one way trip to the hospital for 14 days, a pet sitter for our dog and even someone to meet the trailer manufacturer to give them the trailer keys.
By staying open to allow myself to receive, the care giving necessary over the next month was easier, richer, even more enjoyable. My husband would tell you, no other nurse would do except me – and I’m not a nurse. By being willing to receive, I was able to give so much more in the most exasperating of times. The giving remote regularly was recharged.
In life and business, the Go-Giver philosophy leads to more happiness and success. You can get a quick glance of The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success or if you want the inside story, the real scoop then:
One, read the book which you can buy through Amazon or possibly find at your library; and then two,
Two, I invite you to join me in listening to Bob Burg Thursday, Nov 12 and then you’ll free yourself up of energy leakage, even battle fatigue from battles that aren’t even necessary. Then IMMEDIATELY put any one of the Five Stratospheric Laws of Success into action with online speed networking. It could be just what you need to help you and your business results!
What has been your experience with the Law of Receptivity? Can you give the Give-Give-Give remote a rest? Do you you know a better way to be more open to receive?
The Law of Receptivity… has two parts.
Your take on this one rings true with me. Help? I can do that, but open to receiving is much harder for me.
An old farmer once said in an email I received:
An Old Farmer’s Advice~ The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
The more I live the more I realize it was me all along in my way. The farmer was right. Simple, but somewhat counter-intuitive, personal changes can make a vast difference: like giving less and receiving more.
A good analogy helps to understand a principle. If you visualize this as a see-saw it is clear that give and take is essential to success. You cannot go up unless someone goes down and we alternate. I cannot receive unless you give and we alternate.
Other things he said do not translate to my daily life as neatly: An Old Farmer’s Advice~ A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
But this one applies: An Old Farmer’s Advice~ If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
Another old geezer said: A joke is a very serious thing.-Winston Churchill
#pun Electric current tells psychiatrist: “I have alternating personalities!” Psychiatrist: “It’s okay. You’re just going through a phase.”
Now, you can help me learn to receive better: I am looking for quotes from real people I know or can get to know rather than dead people I will never know. You could deposit them at:
I love this Jim! That you are ASKING for what you want to receive. I wonder what Bob will be saying about this law.
I am grateful that – I received your comment!
I’m so grateful you are both in my life, and we engage in such meaningful conversations. I’ve been giving lots for a long time, and have continued to ask what I’m doing that keeps me from opening up the flood gates so I can receive. I think this is something to explore and shift… at the deepest, most unconscious level.
I invite all to help each other relax and let the flow go both ways.
To our ever-expanding Joy & Success!
~ The Energizer Bonnie
Give, relax and be open to receive. Absolutely to contemplate Bonnie.
Great article. Thank you Jim for directing me here.
I used to give without taking. I found that as soon as I ran out of what ever it is other people wanted/needed, they stopped being around. I’ve always been into mutual benefit but was willing to defer my reward to some unspecified time in the future. I gave no thought to “what am I going to get out of this?” until recently. Now I know that although what goes around may come around, it is not necessarily in time for the next mortgage payment.
I’d suggest that next time someone gives a compliment, say “thank you” then be quiet. No explanation or disclosure is necessary. If someone grabs the check at a restaurant and offers to buy, say “thank you”. Become conscious of the gifts being offered and realize that refusing to accept can be seen as rejection.
If someone asks for something but historically has not helped when asked, say “no”. Be honest and polite but say “no”. Some people will be upset but it helps clear our lives of takers. If help is needed, ask, especially people who take from us. Plenty of people will ignore our requests and others will make excuses of why they can’t. That’s ok.
We may think we are being loving and compassionate by giving without taking – but we are not because love and compassion must start with the self and move out from there.
Rosemarie I am so happy to meet you here. And what you say is so relevant, in particular, that to be loving and compassionate begins with this inner work. Thank you. (and now just accept it – *smile*)
Thank you! :o)