Pigpen is the memorable character in the Charlie Brown comic strip who is, except for rare occasions, very dirty. Some introvert lessons lie with Pig-Pen, the one whose dirt and dust clouds are always with him.
He sometimes refers to the cloud that surrounds him with pride as the dust of ancient civilizations. In the last strip that Pig-Pen appeared in he was uncharacteristically embarrassed and ashamed of his dirtiness, forgetting his tie to those – ancient civilizations. In everyday situations we want to remember our strengths and focus on them. Remember what they are: focus, listening, original thinking, depth. Gee. Doesn’t it sound like this are needed in our world now? Our strengths can carry us up and over anything we might judge as a shortcoming. Our strengths, like the dust of ancient civilizations, can be a positive force in our lives.
“Pig-Pen” is very good at playing the drums, as shown in the special Play it Again, Charlie Brown. What are you good at? While certainly not perfect, with our depth of thinking we can take it all in, cut through other’s BS and read people pretty well. How would that play out as an energy saver for us? Our strengths, acknowledged and applied, give us that energy we need. We are all good at some things that others are not. When we can remain true to our inner self and play up to our strengths then someone may just ask us to “Play It Again.” We can decide at that time if we want to.
Violet: Pig-Pen, you’re an absolute disgrace! All that dirt and dust… you could be a germ carrier. Did you ever stop to think of that? Pig-Pen: So what if I am? Even germs get tired of walking now and then! Anyone can get tired every now and then of others asking them to be something they are not. Yes, when the tiredness wears down your otherwise natural contemplative defenses and you find yourself giving in to thinking you need to act like an extrovert, stop. Be yourself. Ask yourself, how and where will I draw that energy from? Then act on it.
Decide to step away from emotionally identifying with those internal, external and shared beliefs that keep you from living your dreams, your purpose and being yourself. Heck, everyone has some. You know the ones that hold us back? That ones that make you think you are shy, aloof, anti-social and the list goes on. Learn from Pig-Pen who decided that the clouds of dust surrounding him were there to serve him in a positive way. The clouds can easily dissipate if or when you need them to.
Charlie Brown would say, “Good grief!” What would you say?
Go introverts! “In everyday situations we want to remember our strengths and focus on them. Remember what they are: focus, listening, original thinking, depth.” Yea introverts.