“Oh she’s had one too many cups of coffee!” is often what people who attend my workshops might say.
No I tell them, laughingly.
Caffeine is not my friend and I don’t rely on it. Every once in a while I do just like the taste of coffee. And oooo, those chai tea lattes.
But unless I buy a low acidity brand of coffee only found at Trader Joes where I live, or use decaffeinated chai tea, either drink can bring on heartburn or worst, or cause a flare up in my arthritis.
“Come on, where do you get that energy?”
My energy is usually high naturally. Even for an introvert. In particular for a baby boomer – or maybe because of that. When it’s on and fully charged it fuels my vitality. Consider this, it’s like traveling and depending on my iPhone to connect. If the battery isn’t charged, there isn’t going to be a connection for me with anyone. Have you seen how difficult it is to find a telephone booth these days?
If your personal energy is low, your vigor for life can be zapped.
Vitality is fueled by my energy. For me that energy comes from an interest in continuing to grow, live, and learn.
Don’t let energy vampires in – like so many unnatural energy boosters can be. Even negative vibes from people can put you in the dumps.
While it’s not scientific, I’ve been thinking about what could affect my energy and vitality in this positive way?
I’m looking for more easy things like I believe these ideas are, that get results.
How do you get your energy naturally? Just add to the list itself, or leave a comment. If you comment an idea, I’ll add it to the list.ly list and credit you with a link to your blog, if you like that idea.
I’m like you. I have more energy then I need. I do love coffee but need to mindful of it’s effects. It has the tendency to keep me up when I need to slow my already busy brain down at night. 🙂
Busy brain at night for me means sluggish next day. I really don’t mind dozing while watching a little TV. That gets me body and mind quite ready to find that cozy spot to fall asleep quickly when I get up and go to bed! Thanks Susan.
I try to exercise on a regular basis, and I try to keep myself busy. There’s nothing worse than downtime to zap a person of energy. It’s great to try to keep life’s momentum moving forward rather than stagnating.
I’m addicted to exercise. I rotate daily, taking just one day a week off, between my hula hooping and that 7 minute scientific interval training. The more I do it, the more I want to do it and the more my energy drops when I don’t. Thanks Jeri!
HI Patricia,
I feel like the energizer bunny rabbit. I do not need anything more to give me energy. In the morning I have cup of green tea. The rest of the day I drink ginger and cinnamon tea. I know I have so much to do that the energy just comes. I wonder how my husband can drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day, and if drink that amount I would be swinging from the chandlers with all that caffeine. I also have insomnia, but not my husband. His head hits the pillow and out he goes. Very frustrating.
Insomnia? That’s not the kind of energy we want is it Arleen!? Sounds like you have energy that carries you through the day to accomplish what you want. Now, maybe a little something to relax you at night for balance. teehee
Hi Patricia,
Thank you for the thoughtful blog content. I agree with a lot of the vitality boosting tips that are listed here. I’d like to add ‘Have a Routine’. I noticed that routine helps me to feel more relaxed. By nor draining extra energy in managing the day-t-day tasks, I feel more energized.
Of course, our passion is our best source of fuel. Our energy level is high when we are loving what we do. No exception!
Great sharing, Patricia. Thanks!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Thanks for the add Viloa. I went ahead and added your “Have a routine,” to the List.ly list above, giving you credit. It added an image to match up with it.
Hate to repeat myself ,but apart from what you mention I highly recommend yoga, including pranayama and meditation. If you find an Indian instructor that has grown up with yoga in the Himalayas he will make you feel sky high after doing yoga. It’s an energy boost that’s out of this world. People who are hooked on cocaine should try it!
Catarina sounds awesome. We have a limited number of services like this where I live. Still you’ve made it sound exciting. Thanks.
Catarina, added your yoga style to the List.ly above. Had to use it to search for an appropos jpg.
Most obliged Pat. But yoga really is fantastic. Tried posting a link to an article and video I published last year. But your comment system didn’t let me. So, if you are interested go to my blog and search for yoga. It’s partly about the world’s oldest yoga teacher:-)
Yes, sorry Catarina. Links in blog comments invite spammers. I learned that the hard way. Great that you have told readers how they can find the YOGA blog post on your site. Thanks!
I am not as lucky as you and have spent many years trying to find that illusive energy that you possess.
Recently, I have been seeing a Naturopath and with a lot of herbs and a change in diet, I have felt vitality like I haven’t felt for so long. I am hoping that this will continue 🙂
So you are on the way Becc; to that oomph energy. Herbs, supplements, I’m a big believer in those. They absolutely make a difference to how we feel and our health. Good for you! Maybe you’ll be blogging about your experiences? Thanks.
I hope I don’t sound like a workaholic when I say a creative project puts me on a high! I’ve been working with two different therapists on their websites this summer. And I enjoy how polite and appreciative both have been. Happy to have kind clients who love my creativity and knowledge.
When something grows in my garden (a cucumber or a cosmos blooms, for two recent examples), that also gives me energy to do even more gardening.
I drink coffee. As I tell my college son, it’s better than those energy drinks (it has anti-oxidants).
Eliminate any energy zapping stress in your life. While that’s difficult with what’s happening in the economy right now, it helps to remember that the challenges are meant to help you grow and learn in this life. Learning to handle the stress of life while going through the challenges goes a long way in increasing energy and in return helping to get more done.
Because of what is happening in the economy right now is all the more reason people have daily habits to help not just boost their energy and vitality, but keep it that way. We don’t control the economy but we do control much of what happens in our day.