I’m looking forward to January 2nd as most introverts can imagine. That’s the official Introvert Holiday. In the meantime though, even a weary extrovert might benefit from this gift of ideas to dash through the party season. I thought I would do it with song.
My karaoke days are behind me so without singing for you myself; there is the next best thing, The Introvert Song. Let’s kick off the introverts sing along theme with a song and then get into the nitty gritty. Really, it’s a funny song, so give a listen:
Okay, now, you are likely in the mood so let’s take a few tunes that seem perfect for the introvert to glean some tips to live through the holidays. Let’s start with …
“My Way” – Frank Sinatra
The end isn’t really near although the holiday season with all its parties may make it seem that way. You just have to do the parties your way. Plan on a few of them. Be strategic with your time spent there being careful to find some sanctuary for a break. Arrive early and leave early. Find a small group to start a conversation with. Heed Frank’s advice and “plan each chartered course, each careful step along the byway,” if it will help you. Just do the season your way.
“All by Myself” – Green Day
People like us just need some quiet place and space when we have lots of energy around us. Whether it’s a family or business party, try what I do. I look for a bathroom, a backyard or even a small corner of a room and make note of it. If you do this, you can just go there when you feel your energy draining. Then, take a moment to balance your mind and emotions. Do what the room allows you to do! Then re-emerge to the group, taking a deep, long, calming breath. Wrap it up with a nice smile.
“I’m One” – The Who
We already fit in. We follow rules, and laws. We’re online, isn’t almost everyone? All of us live with plants and even animals. We even go to holiday parties. Every one of us fears rejection at some time and yet we all do what we can to fit in. We don’t and can’t, know and be everything. Since we’re on this earth for a short time, let’s even use the holiday season to let go of the labels of introvert and extrovert. Let’s just be people enjoying the season. That’s how we are one.
“Conversation Piece” – David Bowie
I wonder if he was an introvert? You have to listen to this tune if you aren’t familiar with it as I was not. “I’m a thinker, not a talker I’ve no to talk to anyway,” – wow. So, if indeed you want to think your way into holiday conversations you don’t have to go far. I’ve written about the 30-day rule before. The wonderful thing about the holidays is you have plenty to draw from – talk about something that is either professional or personal in nature that you either planned for 30 days out, or have done within 30 days previously. My goodness there’s shopping and parties and cards sent just for starters. You can start up a conversation around any of that. For example, last month (that’s in the 30 day rule) I spent Thanksgiving in a most unusual way. My husband and I were invited to a marina boating party on the docks. Then I could move into a question around, what kind of different things have you done? You my introvert friend, are a conversation piece.
“Here I Go Again” – Whitesnake
It’s always tough going out on your own. That’s what’s great about the holiday season of parties – there will always be someone you can go with. Just last week I accepted an invitation to a women’s networking event. If you know me at all you know, for the most part, these are not a piece of cake for me. So I invited another introvert friend! You will get back to times without parties and that are more comfortable. Just the way we like it. So don’t dwell on the part of the holidays you don’t like. The true meaning of the season is just in time for our introvert more introspective attitude. Party if you like, party if you don’t like. Just – make up your mind to enjoy it for the short time that it’s here.
I absolutely love the song. I could so relate… LOL. Your play list of music/songs are some of my favorites. Great mind do think alike, huh! Happy Holidays my friend.
I chuckled as I read the list of artists…somehow I doubt that any of them were introverts. My favorite always is Frank! So Happy Introverts day:)!
I love this! Great post! Too many songs for me to list that could apply in the same way. 🙂
The song was hilarious. Great post & so in keeping with the season use music to talk about how to survive it. Lets just say I can relate.
Happy Holidays!
Pat — I’m an extrovert but boy could I use some down time. This has been my busiest holiday on record. I love it, but I sure could use some time to myself.
Susan it IS a fun video! Merry Christmas to you my friend.
Oh Martin ye of little faith about the creative introvert! My guess without anything except my introvert knowingness, is that at least 3 of them were introverts and you merely saw their extroverted side. We all have both sides.
Thanks Cheryl GeekGirl! I’ll look for a post from YOU.
A.K., love that it resonated with you. Thanks.
Jeannette, it’s said the older we get (tee hee not that YOU are getting older) the more introverted tendencies we move toward, like downtime and solitude.