With over a dozen introvert, and a few extrovert, communication skills specialists to interview, my book writing is taking on a broader and deeper meaning. This means that one of my goals for taking the publisher’s offer to write the book is going to be met.
Thank you for all your questions to allow me to more easily share what is important about the process with you. Here are this week’s top questions about my relationship with the publisher and the process.
How did you build a tribe?
The short answer is, consistently, through networking online and in real life, and over time.
The broader answer starts with when I stepped up to blogging almost everything introvert in 2006 or 2007 there were actually about a handful of authors who had pave the way about introversion, but no coaches or corporate trainers or speakers. With blogging and social media, and claiming the niche, created an immense advantage. I am still grateful to one of my early coaches for helping me discover my value in this niche.
There were Twitter groups, not lists, and I found clients there from the get go. I started a Facebook profile, because at the time there were no fanpages. But Facebook just is too noisy for me, and apparently others. LinkedIn is better for networking.
Today, only about six years later from when originally started to serve the niche, there are over three dozen introvert specialists with online visibility that I know about. Most of us follow each other.
Have they (the publisher) given you a timeline?
The publisher has a thorough timeline. In total this experience will be about a six-month process. With every chapter there is my first draft that goes to the editorial team. Inevitably it comes back with recommended tweaks and some minor grammar corrections. Usually a tweak will be to expand upon an idea, or create a better transition from theory to practicality. Within that monthly timeline are due dates for each chapter, the preface and the Title Information Sheet (TIS.) The TIS describes the book for marketing purposes and will come at the end of the writing.
How do you, and are you, disciplining yourself to write a certain amount each day? What is your process?
Almost writing daily to be sure! My process started with writing the preface. The preface content was only about 30% in length of what all other chapters will be. It allowed me to gauge the amount of time to think, research and write, as well as to factor in the editorial timeframe.
With this known amount of hours and time, I could extrapolate to the longer page chapters, a chapter at a time. Some months the delivery is for one chapter, but most months is two chapters. From chapter 3 forward I factor in time for interviews. Allowing people to select email or Skype or in-person interviews, takes scheduling too. Once I have my month in view, I back in the required days I want to block off time for researching and writing the chapter, allowing for my prime creative time, mornings.
Before I go on to a new chapter, with the approval of the current chapter, I take a day to three not to write anything! I want to go into the next chapter with a revitalized mind.
Next up in your questions:
- What is the goal with this book?
- What is going to make your book unique from other books?
- How many pages will your book be?
You certainly hit the right niche at the right time. I appreciate learning about the process you are using for writing the chapters. That’s an important one to consider for meeting your chapter deadlines. As always I appreciate you taking us on this journey with you! 🙂
Cheryl what is that expression about timing? I can’t recall. My publisher encourages delivering a chapter before the due date which so far, I have been able to do. Thanks!
As I am in the process of completing my second book I completely understand the importance of keeping to a schedule. I too use a village to help me complete these tasks and stay on track. 🙂
I think you are right Susan with having a village to help. Being accountable to yourself leaves way too much wiggle room. Thanks.
Pat — it takes discipline to write a book. I keep saying I’ll do it but somehow it always gets pushed to the back burner. Having started out as a newspaper reporter always on deadlines, I find that I write best and fastest when I’m under pressure. If I have too much time I find myself wandering to the refrigerator or checking emails. So I’m happy to be on the sidelines for now as you embark on your journey.
You are funny Jeannette! You have me thinking about our collaboration for our Kindle book about – the elevator pitch. I consider myself blessed then since you and I, completed it for our agreed upon publish date! Thanks.
Pat — I enjoyed working with you on our little e-book, too. So glad that our blogging group brought us together.
You are doing a great job, Pat. Writing daily is essential and your cooperation with editors certainly facilitate the task.
When it comes to building a tribe I have done what you do i.e. on social media and in the real world.
When I take a day or so off from writing, it just occurred to me. I still write emails during that time! I wonder if it would be a positive result to let go of ALL writing to refresh the body, mind and spirit during that break. Thanks Catarina for prompting that thought.
You are very disciplined in your approach, so I can only see success heading your way 🙂
Becc discipline will get the book written and published. And I think you might imply that the same discipline will be needed for the marketing of it. Good point! Thanks.
This series of blog posts is so cool, Patricia – cannot thank you enough for spelling it out for us, your readers… Especially valuable tips for me as i am planning to write my first book some time during the next year or so… I think i;d call this series “the hand book for newbie writers” 😉 well, i am not an introvert but i definitely think i’ll benefit A LOT once i get started…
as for building a tribe – consistency IS the key – no matter what channels you use, being available to whom is interested is very important for the success of tribe-building-process. way to go!
That is a great title Diana. Maybe one to capture all the posts when complete and repurpose as a Kindle book.
Yes; it’s likely the tips are not introvert specific but anyone will find some help from them.
Even if I ultimately throw my writing away, I do write every day. It’s very good discipline and I think it helps to improve on’es skills. I write fiction, so it really is a different process in terms of having to develop charters and plot lines. But no matter what you write, I think this is good advice Patricia.
It is interesting noting that fiction is a different process Jacqueline. I came across a post the other day talking about this. It was something along the lines in that even in fiction writing the author has a plan instead of flying by the pants. What is your experience about that difference? Thanks.
It’s a little hard to describe. For me, I have to be in the time and place and the character’s head. I write third person from multiple points of view, so I have to get there. I have to feel the scene…is it cold or hot? Is the wind effecting my mood? See…I sound a little crazy, right? Laugh! But the discipline of writing…I think we need to write something every day. Just ;like any other skill… practice, practice,practice! 🙂
If I haven’t stumbled onto your site, I would have gotten a bird’s eye view of what it takes to publish a book. It has always interested me and that is why I asked you so many questions?
Here are some questions”
Did you research the publisher?
What made you go with this publisher?
Do you need an agent?
Who gets to decide the cover, the title, the design, the format?
Keep up the good work
Happy to fly the route for you Arleen! Some of those questions are actually coming up. If I don’t find them all on my list I will add them. Thanks so much for your curiosity.
I try to identify specific times that I write. My village is relatively small, but I use them extensively and they are my best critics and support. I write non-fiction small business advice since that’s what I do and have experience in. My subjects generally take a large amount of research. So I also, like you, take breaks to escape for a time and rejuvenate. And wow, for your next questions, what makes your book unique, or what I call ‘why you, why would someone buy your book over someone else’ is an absolute key question that must be answered. keep of the good work.
Judy we’re in a similar genre. And I balance out research with anecdotes from myself and others more or at least as experienced. Yes; some questions that you all are leaving are quite thought provoking! Thanks.
Thank you for sharing your process! I too am writing a book and what you share is invaluable. I’m also scheduling interviews and finding that having “block time” allocated to specific tasks makes the whole process a lot more manageable! Looking forward to reading your book when it is finished 🙂
Something I have been learning Valerie about the interviews, I really AM delighted most introverts prefer to do it via email! There is the extra step of listening to the recording to match up with what you think you heard as well as extract even more! Thanks.
Do you find it easier to write a certain amount everyday now that you have your book’s deadline looming? I really like that about the process of bringing nonfiction books to publication. Working on my novel drags out because it’s heard to see the en of the tunnel.
Interesting question Jeri. My process hasn’t changed much. I allow several days or part days each week and work toward what I am finding now to be a number of hours that bringing in ideas, research and interview ideas and anecdotes seems to lend to. It’s is getting smoother, not necessarily any easier! Thanks. OH – I replied this to Jacqueline – I came across a post the other day talking about the difference between writing fiction and non-fiction. It was something along the lines in that even in fiction writing the author has a plan instead of flying by the pants.
Its awesome that you are working closely with a publisher to help guide you through this process. Its good to have a professional on your side who is invested in the project as you are! You must be excited for the book release!?
TheGirl I am both excited and nervous. I think it is both these feelings that helps me make certain I am bringing the very best to this book. I’m sure that is something the publisher must have sized up in me! LOL. Thanks.
Yes, I am independently publishing but I feel the same way as time looms closer. I definitely want “PERFECTION” Anyway good luck with the release!
I’ve never given much thought to who is in my tribe or indeed that I have one, but of course when you asked, there they were. It’s definitely an iterative process with some trial and error around fit. They are virtually gathered and also based on face to face interactions. Until you asked I hadn’t really thought about it, but they also have quite a few things in common though many of them have never met each other. What they all seem to want is for me to have fun and explore my ideas…they also bring a lot of knowledge, creativity and original ideas to me. I guess that’s why they are my tribe. 🙂
Years ago when I was going for my coaching certification, tribes became more important to me. It helps me to focus on that imagined one person who represents my tribe so that my message can more easily and positively resonate with them. For me, if I speak to everyone, I speak to no one. If I speak one on one, it often reverberates to someone else on the same note. It sounds like you do the same Debra. Thanks!