There is plenty I can say about this in particular for introverts who sell. But, in looking at my Google Alerts today, I can across, “How to Respond to Your Happiness Emergency.” If you consider the economic situation something that makes you blue, or red, this has nine tips for introverts and extroverts alike.
In particular I like tip 5: Lay the groundwork for some future fun. Now really. Who can better anticipate better than introverts? But to find out that studies show that anticipation is an important part of having fun on a regular basis gives pause to anyone to plan for future fun.
What tip is your favorite?
Or what would you add to this list?
Do you hate to sell, or get energized by cold calling? What is your natural tendency when it comes to networking, schmoozing and sales? Take a moment to get honest with yourself when you answer this quick survey.
Hey Pat,
Great list. Personally, I liked COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. That reminds how awesome life is even when it’s challenging at the moment π
Thanks for sharing!
Theresa π