Can kindness easily become a daily habit? Or are we going to observe it once a year.
Yes; there is a movement for Kindness, and while each country might celebrate it during a different month, the World Kindness Movement is real, and many celebrate it on November 13th. You can start to search about it online with #WorldKindnessDay if interested in the history of it.
I’m getting ready for it. Are you? Of course as someone more introverted I started thinking. One question just tugged and tugged at me.
It made me sad to think I sometimes ask myself, “Is/was that a kind gesture?” To me, the act of asking means that what I might have just said or did might not be so kind. I’m not one for much political correctness so let’s not say kindness equals political correctness as, at least in my mind, they are not the same thing.
Self-Kindness to Kick off World Kindness Day #WorldKindnessDay
Where does kindness start?
The give and take of displays of love, care and kindness, need to start with how you treat yourself in these ways, or not.
As an introvert who spends more time in her head, it might seem easier to identify when my inner spout of love, care and kindness is shut off. Being mindful in the moment is what can help me know, love, care and kindness aren’t flowing. The fountain is clogged.
Just like anyone if I stop and listen to myself, or feel how I’m feeling, it’s easier to recognize what positivity might be shut off or flowing.
But then what the heck do you do about turning the self-kindness flow back on?
Personal kindness experience
Once I was working at a local voting poll. A local group tasked a few members with something someone has to do in our state: collect signatures for a political office hopeful to be on the voting ballot!
I told myself as I was driving to the polling location, “Reach your goal, be kind to yourself, and let things will flow.”
There were two people walking out from voting together. My thinking was, “Better to approach someone after they voted.” As we were moving toward each other, I smiled saying, “Hello, I wonder if you would be willing to help me?”
The big, brawny guy gave me the hand, the “talk to the hand” sign.
Being caught in my thoughts my mouth wouldn’t open to respond in anyway!
Then both people started loudly saying, “No, Go away, I’m not interested.” So I took a deep breath, put a smile on my face as I nodded to them and went over to a couple of women at the table of my political party.
One of the women, then two, and then three said, “I can introduce you to some folks I know, nice folks, which I can ask to help you.” These women were wonderfully kind to me – and they offered first to help. I didn’t have to ask.
End of my shift: task accomplished, goal reached.
How much self-kindness are you giving yourself?
It’s amazing how being kind to yourself first opens the door for others to be kind to you. It seems that many of us suffer from lack of self-kindness.
If you follow my blog you know a big part of my morning person routine includes meditation. Recently on an online meditation community I belong to, we were introduced to a most effective kindness meditation. Of the 459 times played, it was rated with 5 of 5 stars. The community is over a million people so I look forward to the number of positive comments growing.
Maybe you have time or interest in one of the meditation teacher’s videos with you to discover more about loving kindness, beginning with ourselves.
Self-Kindness from Peter Fernando on Vimeo.
So before you head off on November 13 for World Kindness Day, as Zig Ziglar would often say, “Do a check up from your neck up.”
[Tweet ““Be nice to everyone you meet, they are fighting a battle you know nothing about.” #WorldKindnessDay”] Not Plato or Phily, most attributed to Ian MacLaren, pen name of Rev. John Watson via
What practice have you found to grow your kindness?
Are you aware of other global kindness efforts? And do you participate in anyway?
animated gif via
Kindness is so important. Have throughout life noticed that only mentally strong people dare to be kind. Sad isn’t it. In order to make mentally weak people be kind maybe a kindness day is a good idea?
Catarina, what you ask is so true. I do have my days when I know I could be kinder. And that makes me recognize more when others are kind!
Great reminder for everyone. I used to be really critical of myself. Then, I got older and learned if I don’t take care of myself who really will. So, I make an effort to do things for myself, workout, and spend time doing what I love to do a little each day to keep me sharp and happy. Thanks for sharing.
Sabrina, it is said, Kindness begins at home. Do I have that right? Yes, it starts with us. Thanks.
I’ve not heard of world kindness day Pat, so good to know about it. It certainly makes a huge ,huge difference to one’s day when someone is kind to you, especially when you’re in an unknown environment or you’re in need of help. And frankly if I go out of my way for someone else it feels pretty good too. I wonder why people don’t choose that instead of being snarky.
AK indeed the benefits to both giver and recipient whenever we are kind are only positive.
I think it is said that we need a movement for kindness. What happened to the golden rule. I try to live by that.
The question you asked “Hello, I wonder if you would be willing to help me?” put the recipentent on the defensive. One they have no idea what they were getting into, or what they were agreeing to. As an extrovert I would have just started asking what I wanted help with. It is just like when I travel overseas, I never ask if they speak English. I just start asking what I need. I have never had a problem with people responding whether they speak English or not, they try to help. I didn’t put them on the defensive.
Thanks for that observation of the distinction or putting someone in a defensive position vs breaking down their defensives. I don’t see it as a reason to act unkind, but I get your point in the distinction.
I never have heard of Kindes Day! I wonder why we don’t hear more about it? That can’t be good:) My Dad used to tell me that it cost nothing to be kind to anyone. One kind gesture can make some one’s day and the cost to you is nil. But people are so busy…. sigh 🙂
Indeed it is a holiday Jacqueline. There are so many holidays we don’t know about aren’t there?
It takes so little to extend kindness so why don’t we do it more often? The world could use some kindness now.
Some say it’s because we’re so hurried Jeannette. Take a listen to Daniel Goleman: Why aren’t we more compassionate? on TED Talks.