Guest blogger, Reno Lovison and I met on virtual online speed networking. As a published author of “Turn Your Business Card Into Business” we know he knows a thing or two about business cards for networking. Here is, Speed Networking: When Networking Use Your Speed Pass:
- I like speed networking because formal networking events should never be about selling, they should be about meeting people and at best peaking their interest in your product or service. But of course most of us avid networkers also happen to be consummate sales people so we often run dangerously close to giving a sales presentation.
In networking in general the aim should be about exchanging essential fundamental information then following up appropriately with those you meet.
A way to help the process along, particularly as it pertains to speed networking is to have a business card that carries the fundamental information you need to convey. In this way your business card can do some of the talking for you as well as reinforcing the parts of your message you have communicated verbally. A kind of “speed pass.”
I believe it is courteous to give someone your business card when you meet because it reinforces your name and your company name. This is particularly true when you have an unusual name. For instance my name is Reno. Some people are not sure right away if they heard it correctly. Is it Remo with an M or Rico with a C? No, it is Reno with an N like Nevada. In a speed networking situation we might avoid that verbal exchange with a business card exchange instead.
The next question is “what do you do?” If my card is in front of you with a picture of a clap-board and a great big VIDEO for the WEB. It reinforces what I am saying. If a person can hear what you are saying and read it simultaneously they are more likely to remember your message. Maybe include a picture of your product or a logo that reinforces your service, company name or brand.
So speed up your speed networking by exchanging cards early in the process. Then be sure your business card reinforces your message with a clear indication of the types of products or service you provide.
Hopefully this took less than three minutes to read, now go click on another article. Oh! We’re not speed blogging? Well anyway look around at some of the other cool blog articles while you’re here. Hang around what’s the rush.
Reno Lovison is the author of “Turn Your Business Card Into Business” and the producer of web videos specializing in book video trailers for authors. Visit his websites at and
Wow. Courteous in networking! How refreshing to hear that.
How do you think you will use your business card in the next speed networking event?
Business cards are important, make no bones about it. But it doesn’t matter if your business card is the best in the world, if you don’t give a fantastic impression it’s not going to get you anywhere.
To leave a good impression isn’t good enough you really have to be outstanding.
Business Cards are some times relegated to the past. They are a vital tool. Put your LinkedIn address, put your Twitter handle and by all means tell them what you do.
Catarina, you can be all dressed up (best looking business cards) and then if your impression is less than that, I believe you are right!
Rob, I JUST got around to adding my Twitter handle last year. Having said that, I’ve only been online with social media for 2 years so I guess I am making my business card an all around tool.
Thank you Catarina and Rob!
I agree about business cards, however I must say I find that people whow give you cards really early in the process a little off putting.
That said it may be worth trying as you never know.
I happen to love my business card (done by a terrific designer friend). It’s primarily in red and highlights the name of my company with all my contact information and social networks. It definitely stands out from the crowd of bland cards on white backgrounds. So there is more than one way to make an impression.
Susan, I tend to give my business card toward the end of the conversation IF I think it’s a relationship worth moving forward. I think, it may be best to feel the way to do it with the person you are with.
With such praise for your terrific designer friend, and since we are networking, I invite you if you want to, leave her/his name and/or website.
Thanks Jeannette.
Patricia — thanks for your offer but my designer did this as a favor to me. He’s moved on to work for a design firm full time and is not taking on any free-lance projects. I think a business card design would be too small an assignment for his agency.
I need to update my cards. When I purchased them I was not involved in social media. I only have my website and e-mail.
I have been to speed networking events where we attached our business card to a 3×5 card that had a brief statement of what kind of referral we were looking. Ex-I am a small book publisher and I am looking for marketing professionals in large companies. I am also looking for someone to redesign my website. It can also be beneficial to add your picture if you have made these in advance.
Julia, it’s wonderful to hear that people actually PREPARE for these events to that degree of the 3×5 card. And, it’s a wonderful idea too.
Jeannette, you’re most welcome.
I almost forgot so I hope you don’t mind another comment. I wrote a blog about how a colleague had done her entire resume on her business card. I kid you not and it looked great. If you click on my name above you will go to my blog and then you can search for “The Shrinking Resume.”
Best business card I ever had measured 6.5” X 2”. It was printed on both sides and folded to a standard size. We were marketing 360-degree Virtual Tours and the idea of the card was to show movement. I actually won a lot of door prizes with that card because it would tend to open a little and stand out. I admit it was an expensive card to produce but it was a great talking point.
I can’t wait to read that post Jeannette!
Sherryl while it sounds like a HUGE business card, it seems it was ideally suited to the purpose – and very creative.
Jim, and I always get a smile on my face with your puns!
Pat, I should have mentioned that my biz card folded to be the size of a normal card. I was in BNI at the time and everyone was able to keep it organized with their other cards. The bottom extends a little past the top which encourages you to open it. The idea was to show movement. I actually got the idea from a marketing firm that had a card similar to it.
Good information on your blog Pat. I always find a good tip.
…. and leave a pun:
While the staff loafed, a bread factory burned down over the weekend. No one was injured however the place is toast #Pun