When people speak about the awesome introvert, they have my attention. How does this strike you?
Attaching labels to individuals like Introvert and Extrovert may seem somewhat restricting to the amazing Technicolor of unique human characteristics, however, it is beneficial for individuals to be aware of their propensities so that they can capitalize on their strengths, and reduce the impact of or eliminate their weaknesses.
“I thought he was ignoring me. I didn’t realize he was thinking!”
– The mother of an introvert Read more on FamilyEducation:
If you are an Introvert there may be some negative connotations you, or others have applied to you, such as being anti-social, but there are many positive qualities of this trait that you can embrace and use to your advantage.
Ten reason introverts are awesome are as follows:
1) You are most likely very comfortable being alone, and can therefore utilize this time for quiet reflection and growth. While an Extrovert may feel lonely or bored, you can truly enjoy the peace and quiet;
2) If you are not always at the center of the “social action”, it gives you the opportunity to sit back and really observe and listen to what others have to say. You are most likely very attuned to what makes other people “tick”;
3) When you do “step out of your comfort zone” and engage in social activities that that you normally would have hesitated to do, it can give you great confidence and satisfaction, and lead to great possibilities;
4) Since it may take you longer to “warm up” to people, you are apt to be very loyal to those that you develop close relationships with since you have invested so much in getting to know them, and letting them get to know you, and your wonderful qualities;
Introvert Meryl Streep: 14 Academy Award nominations, more than any other actor or actress. www.hunternuttall.com/blog/2008/07/the-introverts-strike-back/
5) If you are not boisterous and overly talkative, you don’t “wear people out” with explosive energy;
6) You can enjoy your home and closeness of immediate family, because you are not always looking to get away from it into a place where there are people all around;
7) You are much less likely to embarrass yourself by being too gregarious and wacky in public;
8) If you feel like eating out, you probably don’t have to forgo this treat waiting for someone else to go with you;
9) You are more likely to get to the point in a conversation rather being easily distracted by other “shiny” topics in conversations;
10) If you are an Introvert who can go days without speaking to anyone, you won’t have to worry if you get stranded on a deserted island…you will be perfectly happy with the situation! 😉
For a humorous look at the potential differences between Introvert and Extrovert visit an Introverts Lexicon here:
*Disclaimer: This article is by no means favoring one type of trait over another. We are all beautiful in our own unique way! J
This article was written Angela Goodeve, a Personal Development Life Coach who is an Author of an award winning blog; has been published in a book on Transformation through the International Association of Professional Life Coaches; and is a Guest Host on Motivational Whisperers It’s O.K. to be YOU Blog Talk radio show. You can learn more about Angela at , or by visiting her blog at: https://www.lifeadvicethecoachingway.blogspot.ca
Ok it’s YOUR turn. What are your reasons why introverts are awesome?
I love this. It was like reading about me but I do realize it’s about all the other introverts out there. I could so relate and laughed when I read the part about going for days without speaking to anyone and the stranded deserted island thing … I WOULD be perfectly happy with that situation… ROTFL.
OK Loved the post! Disagree with Susan C. She is so not an introvert, although I am quite sure she thinks she is. LOL Me? I am most definitely an introvert.
This article made me smile. I very much fit the ‘introvert’ bill.
Very happy in my own company. In recent years I’ve come out of my shell however still an introvert at heart.
Great article Patricia, thanks for sharing.
Mark 🙂
Great post Pat. Reading it makes me think I’m an introvert too:-) Truth is I think most of us are a combination of extrovert and introvert.
Susan, and anyone else not sure if you are an introvert, there is a fabulously accurate free MBTI assessment at http://digitalcitizen.ca/2011/02/20/free-personality-assessment/
Susan, the concept of being on a stranded island suits ME just fine! It was my favorite of the 10 ideas.
Geek Girl, introverts are often in – costume! More on that as we get closer to Halloween.
Mark, key in your post is – introvert at heart. It’s actually a brain thing though – and the innateness of it can’t be changed although our outward behavior can be.
Catarina – BINGO! Introversion/extroversion is a spectrum and we are all walking it all day long. Thanks!
What a great article, I could see so many of those traits not only in people around me but in myself as well. Best comment which stood out is that we are all beautiful in our own unique way – we are all different and that’s ok 🙂
A great response to the Article! I can identify with all of the points, including being totally O.K. with being stranded on a deserted island (sounds like heaven to me!)
Susan, glad it made you laugh, if so you are either an Introvert or very comfortable in your own shoes!
At the end of the day though, I believe fully with Patricia and Catarina’s comments of the Introversion/Extroversion spectrum…not only are we all wonderfully, and uniquely somewhere along this spectrum, but our place on the spectrum may change based on the circumstance, our environment, and our growth along the way.
Wherever you are on the spectrum at any given time remember:
You are all beautiful, and anything is possible for you!!
Stephen since we are all somewhere on a continuum of introversion/extroversion, what you say makes perfect sense for me! Thanks.
Angela thanks so much for an inspiring and uplifting way to look at being more introverted!
Angela Goodeve said: Do you think attaching labels to people such as Introvert and Extrovert limits possibilities?
Sub consciously labelling ourselves as introvert or extrovert is what we do as babies. Our only abilities at birth are unlimited awareness, which is of no value whatsoever because we don’t know what to do with it, and potential willpower that we also don’t know how to use.
We soon realise that we can use willpower to define (place limits upon) our awareness and to thus start creating a unique reality and a correspondingly unique belief system.
Introverted, extroverted and balanced awareness, willpower and consequential reality is the result. A self knowing individual must have the capability to use all nine possible combinations. Labelling anyone as one of the nine is a denial of their always available other eight options (motivations).
A Perfectionist is an introverted controller who uses feelings and thinking as secondary and tertiary motivators. Such a labeller has sub consciously labelled & limited himself or herself as a perfectionist. Fundamentalist ideas are the products of perfectionists.
A Carer is a balanced feeler who uses both thinking and controlling as secondary and tertiary motivators. Such a labeller has sub consciously labelled & limited himself or herself as a carer. e.g. social workers
An Achiever is an extrovert feeler who uses both thinking and controlling as secondary and tertiary motivators to create images of future success for both self and others. e.g. salesmen
A Romantic is an introverted feeler who uses thinking and controlling as secondary and tertiary motivators. e.g. production managers.
An observer is an introverted thinker who uses feeling and controlling as secondary and tertiary motivators. Such a labeller has sub consciously labelled & limited himself or herself as an observer. e.g. supervisors
A Questioner is a balancing thinker who uses feeling and controlling as secondary and tertiary motivators. Such a labeller has sub consciously labelled & limited himself or herself as a questioner. E.g. an inspector
An Adventurer is an extrovert thinker who uses feeling and controlling as secondary and tertiary motivators. Such a labeller has sub consciously labelled & limited himself or herself as an adventurer. e.g. an entrepreneur, explorer or sportsman.
An Asserter is an extrovert controller who uses feeling and thinking as secondary and tertiary motivators. Such a labeller has sub consciously labelled & limited himself or herself as an asserter. e.g. a typical modern politician.
A Peacemaker is an introvert controller who uses feeling and thinking as secondary and tertiary motivators. Such a labeller has sub consciously labelled & limited himself or herself as a peacemaker. e.g. a diplomat or leader.
Only a person who is able to demonstrate self chosen introversion, extroversion and balanced awareness, willpower and consciousness can be regarded as fully self realised or transcended.
John I do not this we all label people for negative reasons. It’s many times the case to help us understand something – in this instance, understanding introversion vs extroversion.
Where our action of label people breaks down for good is if we use the label negatively, and even incorrectly.
Thanks for the further distinctions.
Yes, I agree Patricia. It is only negative if we attach negative connotations to it, limit ourselves by it, or “label ourselves” incorrectly. Knowing that you tend towards being an Introvert, or even identify with it can have it’s benefits, and help you identify with others with similar tendencies.
John, great distinctions, and very well said!