It’s that time of the year for memories, doing good and shopping. I don’t know about you but in my networking and family gatherings I hear more people state, I Feel Blessed, about more things. It’s the time of year.
Have you thought about the meaning of I Feel Blessed for you? How do you feel blessed?
1. Gratitude is the seed of blessings.
The holiday season focuses us on gifts, family and love. Is it any wonder that the spotlight is on mostly times of happiness? Imagine what it would feel like if we committed to a year round focus on gratitude and love? We’d be blessing every person we met, we’d be happy even about lost sales, and our gratitude list would grow unimaginably.
2. More blessings come from feeling blessed about what you already have.
If you are reading this post today you are blessed with eyesight, a computer and ability to read. That is an everyday blessing that you might otherwise ignore. But imagine, just for a second, how would you feel tomorrow if, you couldn’t see, didn’t have a computer or just couldn’t comprehend the skill of reading? I find that taking just a few minutes each day to note just a few things I am grateful for helps me to reap even more gratefullness.
3. Even the smallest act of being grateful can bring the best feeling of being blessed.
A gratitude journal is popular for a good reason! I love how Deepak Chopra says, when you experience gratitude, you get in touch with your soul, like an eavesdropping on the universe. Gratitude pushes your ego out of the way of things that are going on that you might judge negatively. When you journal a sentence about gratitude for just 5 things a day, that often controlling ego to the exit sign, and let your heart open to sing.
4. Gratitude expresses appreciation and feeling blessed impresses positivity.
I use the HeartMath EmWave, . The researchers of this product discovered our emotional stability and sense of peace increase when we engage in thoughts of appreciation at the heart level. Their little tool just makes the most suspecting of us believers because you can see the lights blinking to show you when that happens. My own anecdotal findings are that I more easily get into feeling grateful for even the most mundane things sometimes. But when acknowledging those as blessings, the sustainability of my mood throughout the day is easier.
5. With both gratitude and blessings, anyone can reap rewards.
Feeling blessed helps to shift our perspective on situations otherwise judged negatively into– a blessing. A few years ago I was told that I had to go on a medication for acid reflux. I despises prescription drugs, and choose doctors who are balanced in their natural and trained ways of diagnosing. I asked for about 6 months to change my diet and then go from there. I bless that day! In my research for natural reversal via my diet, heartburn is now just something that happens on occasion.
So what are you grateful for that gives you the natural state to say, I Feel Blessed?
Thanks Adams. So you are at least DOUBLY blessed! Merry Christmas.
What a nice post. I am totally grateful for the fact that I have been blessed with a wonderful daughter. We have one on the way too (Dec 26th).
Thanks for such a positive post.
This is very timely for me. I have moments at this time of year where the blues set in. I work to make that not the case. That is partly due to something out of my control from my past and partly because I need to remind myself of how luck I really am. I agree with Deepak, writing down the many things we are grateful for in a journal helps to give us the awareness we need at times. 🙂
Susan, so glad it served you well!
Hi Patricia what a great post.
I totally agree with the importance of practising gratitude and counting our blessings.
The times in my life when I have used my Gratitude Diary have been a great blessing to me.
There are so many things I have neen grateful for recently! Thanks for the reminder to revisit this.
Angus, writing about practicing gratitude was a great reminder for me – the more often the better.