In a local referral networking group this week the “Oh, he’s your introvert, ha-ha-ha” came up. It seemed like an opportunity to explain, again, what introvert is or is not. And then I thought about all the myths. It’s time to start with those. If you are an introvert or extrovert, if you are going to bring your gifts into full being, you have to be aware that there may be beliefs, perpetuated by myths, that can cause a stop and go effect. Watch the video – and then stick with me because, we’re going to bust some of the myths wide open! And then, we’ll get to those gifts.
Enjoyed the video post. What came to mind is “Forever is composed of nows.” – Emily Dickinson. Introverts should be themselves at this moment.
You are doing a good job clearing some misconseptions. Introverts are NOT anti-social. I also am an INTJ and my wife is an extrovert. I prefer small groups and am just fine by myself.
Balance came up and that is key to every person. Introverts should listen to their own preferences and find ways to do things in a way that feels right to them.
There is a place for us all. I should put this in to make a point. I am INTJ… introvert. I have well over 2000 hours logged as a classroom trainer, have my Toastmaster CT and was one of the presenters at a recent day-long conference. My session has about 30 people. I have a Linkedin network of 2700 and 2500 following me on Twitter. Anti-social. Unable to interact. Not simply because a person is introverted.
BTW. all the extroverts who fear public speaking, please raise your hand. 🙂
Very good and you could feel your passion for the subject.