For many people who use online social networking, LinkedIn groups shine like a brass ring for the job seeker, the marketer and the collaborative entrepreneur. I belong to 48 groups (almost too many to manage for an introvert), participate in about 6 where I feel like I add value, and was even a co-manager of a group. In general I find these 6 help me attract referral partners, some clients and learn from others in areas I am excited to know more.
Being in a group is often like being in a hotel room and not being sure what city you are in. You join (check-in) and then find out discussions and further connections are on the decline (found out you are in the wrong city.) There are hundreds of thousands of LinkedIn groups, so when I do find the right place, I focus on making it mutually beneficial. If you either lead a LinkedIn group or might consider joining one, here are five ideas to help you keep that sex appeal fresh.
I just got a group invitation in my Inbox! The ones that pull me in quickly usually go something like, “Since we are connected here … I’m happy to invite you to my group and hope you will join.” How comfortable to be in a group where I am already connected to someone who wants to move our relationship forward. Are you more likely to accept a group invitation if you know someone? Or does a pre-connection not matter so much? We’re likely all different with this. But when you get that invitation, you know how it makes you feel and whether it makes sense to join or not.
What is the purpose of the group? Or do I even care if there is a purpose? For me a purpose is important. I want to have some idea of what we’ll be engaging in. “It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” Maybe Henry David Thoreau didn’t have access to the world of technology we often take for granted today, but isn’t he is right on point? There are a few groups I belong to local to my area. It’s a disappointment when discussions don’t get lively and no one seems to want to meet in person. What was an unspoken promise so often turns out to be a lie. I mean really, if you are working in the same city, doesn’t meeting in person make sense? If you join a group without a purpose, but you already have so much of that overwhelm feeling, you could just end up being as busy as popcorn on a skillet.
Groups can help me build relationships beyond being just a connection with someone. If you are in a group you can take advantage to easily connect further with someone new. Let’s say you like what someone has to say in a discussion with someone. Using the REPLY PRIVATELY can start communications with someone you would like to get to know better. I’ve often done this. It can lead to either Skype or telephone conversations.
Is there a discussion I can contribute to? Relevant comments in a group discussion, can add value, to the group and yourself. Now that’s sex appeal. Often you can find yourself being the “most influential” in a relatively quiet group. There hasn’t been a discussion in weeks? No; and group statistics confirm that. No new discussions and no new members in the last weeks – for a few months, often precedes the groups demise. I’ve seen many just pack up and go. Something could be wrong with the group purpose – people don’t find fulfilling discussions, so why talk? Or maybe there is more silence than not. Or the leader isn’t paying attention to steer the group back on track. So how does this corrupt connections? In the end, people – leave the group, the group shuts down and it leaves you more cautious next time.
The group manager invited me to connect at the same time as I got the invitation to join the group. This action can speak to at least two intentions: the leader is genuinely interested in one-to-one connections or they are buying your acceptance. Yes; there are likely other possible intentions. As it’s often said, it’s hard to tell whether it’s the dog wagging its tail, or the tail wagging the dog. I’ve found the only way I know the real intention is after joining. That’s when you can get to know the leader, or not.
There certainly are more considerations before you join a LinkedIn group for a mutual good. LinkedIn and their groups go together, like food and water, you need them both. It’s a better experience when you’ve said “yes” to a group invitation when people share information, and help you meet others for whatever you want to meet them for – job, seeker, marketer, collaborative entrepreneur. But the truth for this introvert anyway, is it’s a respectable experience when it leads to closer relationships with people.
What has been your experience with LinkedIn groups? Do you have any pet peeves? Or suggestions to make a group work?
I absolutely love LinkedIn and the main reason why is because of the groups. Before joining a group, I will look at the group stats, specifically the discussion to post ratio. If the discussion line is low, that’s a sign to me that people are just posting and not joining in the discussion. My goal is to find a group where there is discussion. Those groups lead to interaction that builds relationships and those relationships are more likely to be helpful.
I have joined a group based on someone else’s recommendation, but for the most part, the groups I belong to were part of me searching for specific topics in the group search box–i.e. I was looking for a specific type of group to join.
Thanks for bringing up this discussion. I will be curious to see what others have to say on this topic.
Personally I love the LinkedIn groups. That’s where I found you after all. You can learn what you did not know, and make friends where you did not know they existed. Blogger groups have been wonderful for me!
Bethany, great insights on the group stats! I love how you mentioned joining a group on someone else’s recommendation. I’ve found that can go either way but more often, it’s a better group. I think people who I follow and who follow me are often looking for similar things – better relationships from time online. Thanks!
Geek Girl you bring up a wonderful point: blogger groups are one of THE best for relationships. Your feature interview on Wendy’s blog was one of those kind of – mutually beneficial connections. Thanks for commenting.
You are so right Susan: it works when you work it.
I agree with you about LinkedIn groups. I hsve a list of about 42 groups that I am currentlty a member. I participate steadily in about 5, partically in about 3 to 4. Some groups, quite simply, are better then others. As my interest and intentions change so does how I participate, what groups I drop from and what I join. All in all it has been a great place to find others of like minds and make new connections and friends.
Pat — Groups can be the most important reason you join LinkedIn. That’s how you and I met. I’ve participated in discussions and started discussions that generated a lot of interest — I became the top influencer for several weeks for two discussions I started which certainly helps my visibility and brand. The discussions also formed the basis for blogs. Thanks for covering this topic.
Like most of you I like Linkedin groups. But as you say Pat, they have to have a purpose and if the content isn’t worth while I leave.
Far too many groups stopped being for members only and then the spammers move in.
Jeannette, I like that idea you shared also for those of us who blog: discussions can give us ideas for blogs! Yup; that’s how this post came about. Thank you!
Catarina that’s a wonderful point about spammers. I think that has become more of an issue since open groups made their debut on LinkedIn. Spammers are more of an annoyance and can show up in any open group. Thanks.
Hi Patricia you’ve really given me some insight into how to use groups more effectively. I would have never thought about taking the extra step to meet people locally which is what it really comes down to (at least for me). I think LinkedIn groups can be a little intimidating at first because there are so many interesting groups. So now I’m going to narrow my focus and participate in groups that I am interested in and can put in a worth 2 cents. Very useful article, you’ve answered some questions that have been swimming around in my head for a while.
Delighted to make it valuable and relevant for you Carlo! Totally agree that MORE is not so comfortable but I like your approach of narrowing things down and just get started.
Pat nice article. As for me I haven’t been too active on linkedin though have started writing articles on linkedin.
Really loved the engagement I received I on one of my post thanks for sharing this tip as it will be handy as I try to engage more on the platform.
Thanks Peter. Gosh. How ever DID you find this 2012 article? What got you here if you can recall?
Pat I guess it must be the related plugin you have on your site. But I got to your site as a result of a post you wrote about Linkedin giving you something like a gwam. Can’t be too sure about the exact name