Since we started this series, unbelievably the writing is half way complete. Waiting for approval of chapter 5 of 10 chapters. Thank you so much for your interest through comments and questions about the publisher and author series around my upcoming book, Communication Toolkit for Introverts.
More back blog post references for this series for the publisher and author relationship:
If you are interested how this series about the process of publishing a book the traditional route started, read here, How a publisher selects your work: a publisher knocked before I thought about a book
Then the blog series post of how you might get found, How a publisher might select your work: how do you get found?
This is one blog post with some of the most comments, Publisher and Author: Tribe, Timelines and Discipline
And for the remaining questions you have asked. If I missed any or you have new ones, I will still take them:
Who will care about buying your book? What is the target audience?
My background is going from someone who was shy and introverted all through high school, gaining confidence in college and somehow, being steered to sales after all that learning.
Somewhere, I moved along the introvert extrovert scale and the thermometer burst.
I married an all out extrovert. We have one son who is a successful entrepreneur and partner in a company of 35 plus employees. He has already authored with a publisher, three books.
I became a number one sales person early in my career.
In being recognized as a leader, it was next a promotion to sales manager. I was at a six-figure income when I left corporate work in 1990.
There were so many mentors and coaches along the way in business. Some things they shared with me are timeless. I happen to believe principles of business communications are some of those things.
Who will care about this book? In coaching introverts since 2006 people tell me there are certain gifts I have. The thing is, most of us are blind to our gifts, taking them for granted. For the introvert who is ready to be awakened to their natural gifts and inspired to put the rest into action easily, that is my market.
This new book is for – introverts who want to succeed in their work, regardless of their role.
Introverts in business who feel they are being overlooked for advancement. Introverts in business who just need someone to let them know that doing things there way won’t hold them back, it can only set them free when they see all the tools they have.
Managers and leaders who might be extroverts who have introverts on their teams will find value. Who wouldn’t want to able to bring out more ideas for productivity and revenue building if they knew, how to bring out the best in any introverts on their team? After all, introverts are really a big part at 50% of the population.
And in this audience people who like personal stories, research and practical ideas that either they can put into action, or can gift the book to their staff, or someone they know, they will find the most value.
How are you going to get book reviews. Like Amazon.
The publisher has their plan for this, and they have suggested some actions that I might want to take. In general for each title they like about 6 peer reviewers. Most of them will give their opinion and feedback during the rewrite phase.
The Peer Review team will find them or I can recommend people. Reviewers get a free copy of the book.
Are you going to have say what the cover looks like? Who gets to decide the cover, the title, the design, the format?
There is a cover design department for this at the publisher. How cool is that? They have people for everything. The typical process is they have ideas for the cover and will ask me for some at the time they begin to create them. But I do have final approval on the selected image.
What do you think about Communication Toolkit for Introverts?
Are there more questions coming up for you about the publisher and author?
Hi Pat: Thx for sharing your enthusiasm and background for the project.
As far as to whether you have complete control over the cover design, etc when working with a publisher: my experience is that you do not. They will give you the ability to have input. But ultimately, it is likely their decision as to how they would like the book to look. At least that was the experience I had with my previous publisher, and part of the reason why I chose to self-publish my current title. I really wanted more control that I likely would have had under the traditional publishing system.
By the way, I know an introvert who is a avid reader and may be interested in being on your Peer Assessment Review Team. Let me know if you’d like me to put you in touch with him.
Doreen, I never thought I have complete control. I do believe (maybe naively) when they tell me I will have the last word, I will. So far they have never behaved contrary to what they have told me. I’m sorry for your experience with your publisher and can understand how that would move you toward self-publishing.
I will email you before Thanksgiving about your contact for consideration of the Peer Assessment Review Team. Thanks!
Pat — you may be an introvert but you’re also a great story teller, witness this blog post. I feel I’m getting a preview of the content of the book and even thought I’m an extrovert I feel that I would enjoy and benefit from the content. You must be one fast writer to be half way through the book. Good for you!
Well thank you for that compliment Jeannette. My book is full of story telling – some from me, others from the experts I am interviewing, even some from people I’ve just met through this process who have a relevant story!
It’s not a matter of being fast. The fact is the publisher has delivery dates for each chapter and I am on time with all up to this point. Thanks!
I don’t have other questions as of now, Patricia, but i gotta say – your whole series of blog posts has inspired me so much that i am not playing with the idea of starting my own series of posts on the topic. Well, not so much on answering questions from my readers but sharing experience of a newbie writer – what question do I have and how i answer them, what walls i hit while trying to write my first book, how i find my process – that kind of stuff. So i wanted to say thank YOU for the inspiration 😉
Terrific Diana! Stay inspired. Will be looking for your series.
Great that you have already written 5 out of 10 chapters, Pat. Congratulations!!
Getting reviews on swiftly is from what I understand essential. And it will not be difficult for you to get people to review your book. If I were you I would both let them find people to review it for you and recommend some. The more the merrier:-)
Thank you Catarina.
Yes; I believe it will be best if we each get some reviewers. I’m thinking that through during my weeks break from writing!
Has your son’s success with his three books helped you at all? Has he given you any advice?
Lorraine, my son told me to self-publish. Easy for him to say with having BEEN published the traditional route.
LOL Yeah, no kidding! Is he planning on doing a selfie in the future?
I have enjoyed this series very much! As an introvert myself I find it hard to imagine being in sales.
Sales, influence, persuasion – subtle differences and as I often say, we all do each every day in different ways and contexts. Thanks SO much Cheryl. I appreciate your comments.
Patricia – You are such and inspiration to so many people and I have learned so much from your blog series. You are such a wonderful example of success. 🙂
Awe Susan, that is so generous of you to say that. I am so grateful for having met people like you who I really do think of as a friend.
How true! That most of us are blind to our gifts. Maybe we know a little something about our strengths, but I think them different. So if your book can awaken the inner gifts of any introvert, you will have changed many lives. What could possibly be better than that? Looking forward to the read.
Congrats on writing your book Pat! You are an inspiration to many : )
Thank you Claire. Writing it will likely be the easier task; it has actionable, introvert comfortable (for the most part!) ideas. I’ve loved reliving many of my stories my stories and hearing many from colleagues.
What a fascinating journey for you and while I don’t consider myself an introvert, I still look forward to reading your book as well as checking out the other links you’ve posted about publishing the traditional route and getting found! Congrats on your accomplishments!
Thank you Pamela. It is meant for introverts and for sure, the extroverts who work with them.
I’ll bet introverts and extroverts will learn something from your book. You’ve got a knack for getting important points across in a compelling way. That’s certainly one of your gifts! It’s a challenge to get people to drill down within themselves and uncover their hidden talents, but I’m sure you can do it.
Kyrstyna thank you kindly for the compliment of what so many people tell me I have a gift for. As I write that tends to be the thread of my intention.
Patricia with the way you have opened up and shared your experiences, I would have never known you are introvert. I guess I don’t label people so I don’t really think about an introvert or extrovert We all have gifts but sometimes we do not go after our strengths and dwell on our weakness. I hope your confidence helps others who are introverts succeed. As they say anything is possible if you believe.
When is your book actually going to be published?
Oh yes; I am an INTJ if we really want to label. The main reason for a l label as I see it is to help bridge understanding. No intention for right/wrong, good/bad comparisons. But because little gets none well without spot on communication, this is particularly relevant between innie and extrovert, as it is say between man and woman. Delivery date to publisher is Feb 4,2014. Thanks Arleen.
I can’t say enough how great it is that you have a publisher to work with on the production of the book and even do marketing for you! Congrats again!
Congratulations on completing the 5 chapters already.
I like that you mentioned that most of us are blind to our gifts. I know I am supposed to have some, but I couldn’t tell you what they are. The fact you have found yours and been able to use them is incredible.