Before she knew I had two blog posts planned, Phyllis Khare, a Catalyst Coach, DM (direct messaged on Twitter) that she preferred to focus on the positive. For me, I like to follow Michael Losier’s advice to get really clear: first identify everything you don’t want and from that, turn it around to the positive.
Thank you Phyllis for doing JUST that. Here is Phyllis’s generous brainstorming:
Don’t ignore Twitter. Pay attention to Twitter.
Don’t leave your profile blank. Fill in your Twitter profile.
Don’t follow people unless you want to. Follow those people you like.
Don’t follow the noisy types. Follow those people who match your human preferences.
Don’t hold back information. Give what you know.
Don’t neglect your skill of listening. Practice your listening skills.
Don’t rush to start tweeting. Tweet when ready.
Don’t rust to send a tweet. Be in a centered place when you Tweet.
Don’t use a picture or an avatar that doesn’t represent you. Use an image that represents who you are.
Don’t use an image of your product for your picture. Use your human image for profile.
Don’t take unfollows personally. Find your center when being unfollowed.
Don’t hesitate to ask just one or two people to RT – retweet. Remember that people love to help.
Don’t neglect to follow up when someone DM – direct message to you. Check your DM daily.
Don’t rush to DM someone. Tweet when ready.
Don’t hold back asking questions. Ask questions – people love to give advice.
Don’t pretend to have all the answers. Be authentic.
Don’t fake who you are. Let your voice shine through your tweets.
Don’t Tweet just to Tweet. Tweet important things.
Don’t ignore an inner prompting. Listen to your inner promptings.
Don’t believe the rules are already made. Not even these don’ts! Make the rules that resonate with you.
How’s that for making the To Dos of Twitter complete? While the list can continue, why not get into action? Thank you Phyllis. And you can connect with Phyllis on Twitter.
Don’t forget to say thank you. POSITIVE: Say thankyou for helpful posts by leaving a comment.
-Thankyou Pat for a fun reat that bumped around a few ideas. Tweet on!