My first Top Ten FollowFriday recommendations were on a Monday no less. But you can see other Top Tens of Twitter and other social networking if you select my blog category of Top Ten category. NOTE: These are no longer in alphabetical order. This week, there are more unique recommendations. If you are interested in relationship building this is hopefully more satisfying than catching a stream of tweets:
- 1. Jonathan
- is from Sheffield, England. I like that he is a straightshooter talker! And since we have actually had a real face-to-face, via Skype, I can say he tells the truth.
- 2. Terilyn J Goins is someone my husband introduced me to through his local networking! We’ve hit things off to a wonderfully growing collaborative relationship. She’s an introvert like me!
- 3. Louise DiSclafani
- is someone I met on speed networking on the telephone, networking website,
- . She’s quite interested in collaborating so connect with her if you believe in collaborating for increased business growth.
- 4. Tyrone Turner
- is one of those serial-preneurs. He has both corporate and home-based business success.
- 5. Judielise
- Judie is one of the first people I met on Twitter and we had a quick connection. Yep; another introvert. She is a disability advocate and just moved from the great state of Maryland to the wonderful state of North Carolina.
- 6. Alan Davidson
- introduced me to the Barefoot Doctor who I learned basics of Tao from.
- 7. Your Chess Coach
- uses her chess savvy to teach kids the game through ecourses and ebooks.
- 8. Sandra De Freitas,
- just completed a blog post series, Resuscitate Your Blog, and is a new iPad user.
- 9. John Assaraf
- Remember The Secret? John was in that movie. He talks quantum physics which matches up beautifully with spirituality.
- 10. Cathy Stucker –
- I can’t recall how I met Cathy but I do know, if you blog, or want guest bloggers, this is the lady to connect with. She has a free service where you get emails once or twice a day, Monday through Friday, with bloggers looking for expert sources, requests for guest posts, bloggers and web masters offering guest posts, and more.
Who are your Top Ten Follow Friday on Twitter, LinkedIn or even FaceBook?
Can you tell me something about them? Something that might make me want to follow them?
I agree this is better than looking through lists of user names with little information.
Wow, thank you so much for the mention!! I am very honored (as Your Chess Coach).