Whether you are an introvert or baby boomer, you’ll appreciate the key ideas presented in this guest blog about the main ways the internet works for us.
We live in a very special time for interaction. The growing generation is being raised on Web 2.0. For those who aren’t familiar, Web 2.0 is a step up from the internet that we first knew in that it allows us to be contributors as well as consumers. Anyone who uses the internet today, is taking part in Web 2.0. Some dislike that technology has decreased face-to-face interaction, but for other people, our means of communicating works better now than it ever has before. The internet is a wondrous thing for introverts because it allows them to be exactly who they want to be.
Choose When They Interact
Typically introverts don’t like to be forced into a situation where they are expected to be social. The internet allows introverts to talk to people when and how they want. They can also do it from the comfort of their own homes. Introverted people like to have a reason to talk to people so if they can choose on their own when they want to, they’ll be much more motivated to have a discussion.
Choose Who They Interact With
Because the web is so vast, introverts can choose what types of people they want to interact with. Rather than being stuck talking to someone who doesn’t understand how introverts like to communicate, the introverted web surfer can choose forums, blogs, and other communities of people to talk to who share the same interests. This can be especially beneficial for introverted baby boomers who are less concerned with spending dubious amounts of time talking with people who don’t actually interest them.
Have Personal Reflections
Usually introverts like to spend their time trying to better understand themselves and the people they are close to. The internet gives introverted people a great way to reflect on who they are and who they want to be. Once again, personal blogs provide a way for introverts to express their thoughts and then choose whether to keep them private or public.
Develop Interests
Introverted people know themselves pretty well. They know what they like and, more importantly, what they don’t like. Instead of having to spend a lot of time physically going out and do things to develop their interests, they can stay in and work on what they like from home. Then they can choose to go out when they want to and stay in when they want to.
Explore the World
Introverts usually have very curious personalities. They want to know more about the world and the way things work. Lucky for them, everything you could ever want to know can be found online! Introverts can literally explore any topic they are interested in and have the time they want and need to really understand it. If they want to learn about underwater basket weaving, all of the information can be accessible to them without having to go out and ask a bunch of people about it. At any age and for any person, you can have dreams and ambitions that you want to tackle but aren’t able to. Each generation, including baby boomers, can use the internet to explore things about the world that they haven’t been part of yet.
Time to Think
One of the biggest things that Web 2.0 can provide for introverts is the ability to do the things they want to do on their own terms. If they want time to think before interacting with people, they can have it. If they want to consider all of the interesting things in the world, they can do it. The internet is full of possibilities for every type of person.
Jake Magleby has written extensively about effective marketing, sales, and employee wellness programs to help small business owners succeed in the fast-paced and ever-changing business world. He also has an interest in education and development.
What is the most meaningful for you? Is there something you disagree with? Do you have something else to add? Let us know! I want to hear from you.
You sure hit the nail on the head regarding how I like to interact on line. As you said, my personal blog provides me a way to express my thoughts and choose what I want to share with everyone or keep private. I love that. 🙂
What to be public or private about are two benefits I would also check off Susan. In addition, I get to decide who and when I interact. Thanks so much for being a fabulous, WHO I interact with!
I think the Internet has most helped my introverted-self develop my writing interests again once I had not written for so long. The rise of self-publishing made me want to write again, but more than that, I’ve meet a ton of helpful bloggers like you. Not to mention, I have found some awesome online critique partners to exchange chapters of my book with, as well as a in-person writing group via Meetup.com when I lived in Charlotte. None of that would have transpired without the internet.
Wow! You weren’t writing? Now I bet your computer is low on ink! You are so consistent with it! Awww, thanks for the compliment. It’s been my fortune to meet people like you Jeri. I’m going to see if there is a Meetup writing group near where I live.
Well,I don’t think I’m introverted but the web has certainly expanded my world. I’m an artist who decided to start blogging. Had no idea where it wouldtake me. It’s taken me out into the big world and made so many new friends. I love it. Start a blog and see the world.
“Start a blog and see the world.” Sounds like you have the beginning of a blog post if you haven’t done it already Sandra. Thanks!
Were you trying to write my bio here? LOL I don’t like to be forced into situations. I enjoy researching things online.
Jake really was spot on with every point wasn’t he? No bios for other people here! It’s just if you are more introverted this will resonate with you for certain. Thanks Cassi
Yeah, I think I am the typical introvert. That is if there is a ‘typical’. 🙂
Some of our behaviors, traits and even thinking might be typical Cheryl. But there is FORTUNATELY a lot more to us than our introversion. But, yeah, I related to every one of these points Jake had too. Thanks.
I’m that introvert that everyone thinks is an extrovert! The internet has opened a world for me where I can connect with like minded folks, especially writers. I’m lucky in that a few have been come real-life and face to face friends. In lots of ways, I feel like I found my tribe and a lot of them live thousands or hundreds of miles away from me.
So you too might be an ambivert Jacqueline! People are ALWAYS saying to me as well, “NO way you’re an introvert.” I’m wondering if maybe introverts more than the more extroverted tend to move a few of their online connections to be real-life friends? Thanks!
I’m not an introvert at all, but I agree with those steps.
As long as acting on the steps isn’t an energy drain for us Jason, either the more extroverted can do what introverts thrive on, and the more introverted can do those extroverted things. Thanks!
You might just be an ambivert Jacqueline. People rarely talk about that. But the introversion extroversion trait is a continuum of preferences and all of us do all of them at different times. The thing I can say with certainty from my experience and it sounds like yours is that what Jake says is true, we can make the internet work for us. Thanks.
The hardest part I have always had with face to face interactions is putting on the show. It takes so much effort to be around others. The best part of the new way of work and business is not having to do the extra efforts. I can be myself and that is ok. And I do it on my terms.
You bet Jon. I just commented to Jason almost the same things about being able to do things on our terms. Thanks.
This post totally explains why LOVE the internet. I am totally an introvert. When I used to work outside the home always wished that I could just email them when I was sick instead of calling in. It seemed the safer way to go.
Am I the only extrovert here!? You know what? Extroverts have a difficult time when they first enter a room full of people, too. We love interacting with people and no doubt are more externally focused than introverts. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t afraid of being rebuffed when we approach someone at a networking meeting. Or that our feelings aren’t hurt when someone looks beyond us to see who else is in the room before we’ve even introduced ourselves!
LOL! No Jeannette, there are actually quite a number of extroverts who follow my blog. Amazing that what you say is true. There are some things that introverts might need to wade in on to preserve their energy, and extroverts often have those same situations that apply. It’s just that it isn’t as big an energy drain in an extroverts case. Thanks!
Patricia- I am not an introvert and I love the power of the internet and the interaction with other people. I love to understand why people think the way they do and what they have to contribute. I think with all your blogs and writing your new book, being an introvert may change for you. Being an extravert doesn’t mean that your feelings don’t get hurt and that you are not sensitive. I do have a protective wall, ok a barricade up, so that I don’t get hurt.
Arleen I think the internet has opened up opportunities for everyone. For introverts though, it’s almost like a lottery ticket. A winning one. Oh I think I’ll always be an introvert showing my ambivert tendencies. Every 2 or 3 years since about 1980 I have taken the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator. It ends up always either INTJ or ISTJ. Never a leading E! Thanks.
I am not necessarily introverted, nor am I a baby boomer, but the web certainly works for me. I do like being able to interact on my terms and when I want to.
Hi Patricia, I’m sorry but I can’t entirely agree with your incredibly optimistic perspective on the digital/social networking revolution for introverts (and extroverts). I think for many introverts the internet/Facebook/smartphones have largely replaced in person-interaction. Ironically I have much less interaction with old friends and family since the advent of the internet age. Meetups at pubs with friends and colleagues are often a letdown: instead of people at a table actually talking to each other, everyone is preoccupied with their smartphones: in-person conversations are immediately cut off whenever the smartphone tweets/chirps/buzzes/etc. Nephews I see a family gatherings could hardly care relatives are visiting, instead choosing to remain transfixed up their smartphone or monitor screens, incredibly introverted. Relatives and family who used to make personal phone calls, which were much more personal, now only send the occasional (much less personal) email. I just don’t like it, it seems the digital world is now replacing the personal ‘in-person’ world which for me is so much warmer and more human.
We don’t and can’t agree with each other all the time. It’s okay. I will tell you, I do not see the issues you are seeing. Nor does a good deal of research. But as I said, we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one.