What a fabulous surprise this week to be nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award by my blogging online friend, A.K. Andrew. Thank You A.K.
When she was nominated for this award she wrote about 7 Blogging Essentials for the Beautiful Blog Award.
There are actions required to take to get this award should it be bestowed on you:
1) Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post. (see it here?)
2) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog. (Thank you again A.K.)
3) Tell us 7 things about yourself or something you know. (Be patient a bit longer!)
4) Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award, and comment on their blogs to let them know. (The most fun part.)
Having just started my second blog, there are so many ideas in my head to write about, but about ME, is not on that list. Instead, here are some things I know.
7 Things I Have Learned About Personal Energy
1 – Some people have terrific energy; you love being around them. Others have energy about as attractive as a toad; you’d rather be home watching a television program rerun. Fortunately, 1) there are not many toad people that I meet (more about that in another thing) and 2) I actually enjoy some of the Twilight Zone reruns.
2 – When we respect our personal energy needs, life flows. My husband is a wide-open extrovert. As a MBTI INTJ, while my preference in behaviors are more introvert, my introvert and extrovert tendencies are somewhat balanced. This is one reason people always say to me, “You are no way an introvert.” Whichever you are, respect your energy needs.
3 – Dr Lynette Steele, a medical doctor and a specialist in energy medicine writes, “Managing personal energy can create health, wellness and balance within, but more importantly it can extend further to heal relationships through balanced and inspirational leadership.” I read somewhere that the quality of our energy, determines the quality of our life.
4 – If you know you have what some call “hot buttons”, things that trigger usually negative emotions in you, then you know, energy. There is an acquaintance I have who makes a clicking sound when in conversation. It’s about as annoying as hearing someone say, “umm,” in public speaking. Just being aware that you have them will help you determine a better reaction with them.
5 – All energy is connected. My physical energy determines my emotional energy and that affects my mental energy and also my spiritual energy. If you exercise regularly like I do, have you noticed that when you miss a day or two or …. Three, you start feeling, less like you? That’s the energy connection.
6 – All of us usually benefit from boundaries. Since we are constantly reacting to others around us, this affects our energy, often times draining us, making us feel exhausted, or like we don’t – have any energy. When you come to life from your heart, you get clearer about the boundaries you need and this self-respect pays dividends to all around you.
7 – And now about the comment I made that I don’t meet many toad like people. You know, people who you really don’t enjoy being around. Energy fuels the relationships we attract. So if you don’t act like a toad then other toads don’t come into your space. What you believe, think and act like, pulls in more of the same of other people.
Drum roll for my round of the next 7 Award Winners. Please visit their blogs, read a post or two and let them know they are highly recommended:
I met these blogger people on LinkedIn:
1 -Jeannette Paladino, communicating clearly about how companies can use social media for branding.
2- Bob McIntosh, https://thingscareerrelated.com/ helps people who are job seekers with all skills they need.
3 – Susan Cooper, https://findingourwaynow.com/ has at least a couple dozen blog awards because of her consistency of blogging around the ideas of our daily life demands which she incorporates her extraordinary artistic talent.
And on the bloggers collaboration site, Triberr:
4 – Lisa Buben, https://inspiretothrive.com/, has some of the most inspiring writing about blogging, social media, and marketing. Very often uses beautiful photos.
5- Dawn Abraham, who blogs inspirational and motivational articles.
Then on another website for just bloggers Justretweet.com:
6 – Carol Amato, https://www.carolamato.com/ What a wonderful Italian lady blogging, all things social media – ideas and handy time savers.
7 – Ileane Smith, www.basicblogtips.com/blogging-tips all things blogging – tips and tools.
I understand the whole energy concept as well as what it feels like. I first learned about energy from Carolyn Myss books. It is a whole different world that everyone should learn about. Congrats on the award!
I get that about personal energy. The part that really resonated with me was how it is all interconnected. When My energy soars so does the rest of me. Congrats on the well deserved award my friend. And thanks you SOOOO much for including me in your list of worthy winners. That means a great deal to me.
Congratulations Pat! Very well deserved.
Have a Super Duper Sunday
Thank you so much for the mention Pat. It was a well deserved pleasure to nominate you. What an interesting post on the concept of energy. I’ m a big believer in both physical and emotional energy being linked and especially with regards to health. As to other people I think it’ s incredibly important to shy away from ‘toad’ people as you call them. Negative energy in your life is to be avoided I think, even if it’s difficult to do. It really does effect you, in – well, a negative way. We really do have control over how we are as individuals & those we have around us. I’ts easy to forget sometimes. Thanks for the pet Pat. Very enjoyable:-)
Ah! Love Carolyn Myss’ work. Thanks Cheryl.
Susan, every one and every thing I believe, is connected. That’s one reason I do my best to avoid those toads.
My pleasure to nominate you.
Catarina – thank you so much. I feel it is an honor.
many congrats…well deserved…good article
Pat — thanks so much for recommending me as a blog winner. Very honored. I find I have the most energy when I’m doing something I truly love. Do you notice how your energy flags when you’re scheduled to exercise or do some household chore?
Hi Pat!!
Wow, I just saw this when I was checking Technorati for recent mentions.
Thank you so much for the awesome shout out!!! I’m honored to be included on your list.
I received the Beautiful Blogger Award once before and passed the baton to Jane Sheeba of Problogging Success. I’m not sure what the protocol is for that, but if you find out let me know.
Wow! I didn’t know that about Technorati. You have to let us know if you have a blog post about it’s benefits.
My pleasure to include you.
You can listen to my podcast episode where I go into some details about Technorati.
Here’s the link (in CommentLuv)
Let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks for that resource Ileane.
It took me YEARS to learn to respect my energy needs! I think I thought that, because I was talkative with my friends, I must have boundless amounts, but then couldn’t work out why I’d be so exhausted all the time!
Great piece, thanks, and CONGRATS too!
Yuck; sounds like it was a horrible way to live, or not live. And it sounds like you are in the flow now. Congrats back to you Marsha!