My first Top Ten FollowFriday recommendations were on a Monday. If you missed that line up of wonderful people who offer inspiration, laughs, intelligent conversation, fun, more fulfillment to your life, then make sure you read that post and connect with who you like. This week, there are more recommendations who also are in a league of their own:
1. Ali R. Rodriguez is the Passionista Expert at Years ago when I met her on a teleclass, I was impressed with her intuitively knowing that – I often wear a red clown nose!
2. Andrea Satter I met Andrea on the virtual speed networking website, BlitzTime and was immediately impressed with her networking other-focus. The kind that makes an introvert happy.
3. Bonnie Gortler As one of my online speed networking friends, we discovered a good deal about each other on the telephone. If you want someone who connects beyond the internet, you want her in your network.
4. Connie Hammer is passionate about helping parents with autistic children.
5. Ed Drozda hangs out on LinkedIn He distinguishes himself as a small business coach advisor – “I don’t tell you how, instead I give you various whats.”
6. Kerryn Griffiths Kerryn is the founder of ReciproCoach, an international community of coaches who engage in reciprocal coaching, mentoring and supervision for their own personal and professional development.
7. Kerul Kassel; great admiration for this lady with a big heart and likely even a bigger back yard with her love of horses. She hangs out at LinkedIn. If you need to get over procrastination, she’s the one to help you.
8. Margie Basaraba Margie is a friend, a client and a consummate networker. If you want to save on travel of any kind, talk with her.
9. Mari-Lyn Harris multi-talented, often called a serial entrepreneur. She tweets social media ideas at and in the kitchen at Twitter, she cooks up pies.
10. Rocky Romero another LinkedIn recommendation – Rocky is having great success with 100 Day Challenges on BlitzTime, a community of achievers interested in unreasonable outcomes and goals in the next 100 days.
Who are your Top Ten Follow Friday on Twitter, LinkedIn or even FaceBook?
Can you tell me something about them? Something that might make me want to follow them?
Thanks for sharing. This is a great idea. It is on my list of things to do. I like the pay it forward style.
To cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life. Samuel Johnson
I am listening to “Go-Givers Sell More” sparked by your Blitztime interview. Thanks.
I like your new twist on Follow Friday so the humor is about change:
A. Have you noticed any change in me?
B. No! Why?
A. I’ve just swallowed some coins.
Jim thanks so much for your humor! And did you see when I started the Top Ten on MONDAY? It’s at:
See if you know anyone. LOL.